शीर्ष 5 विदेशी मुद्रा जोखिम वाले व्यापारियों पर विचार करना चाहिए। विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार भी विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार के रूप में जाना जाता है, दुनिया भर में मुद्राओं की खरीद और बिक्री की सुविधा देती है, शेयरों की तरह, विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार का अंत लक्ष्य कम खरीद और उच्च बेचने के द्वारा शुद्ध लाभ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापारियों को शेयर व्यापारियों के मुकाबले कुछ मुनाफे चुनने का फायदा होता है, जो हजारों कंपनियों और क्षेत्रों को पार्स करना चाहिए। व्यापारिक वॉल्यूम के संदर्भ में, विदेशी मुद्रा बाज़ार दुनिया में सबसे अधिक हैं, उच्च व्यापारिक मात्रा के कारण, विदेशी मुद्रा परिसंपत्तियों को अत्यधिक तरल परिसंपत्तियों के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया जाता है विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार में ज्यादातर विदेशी मुद्रा विनिमय स्वैप मुद्रा स्वैप और विकल्प के साथ स्थानान्तरण से मिलकर होते हैं हालांकि, एक लीवरेज उत्पाद के रूप में विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार से जुड़े जोखिम के साथ-साथ पर्याप्त नुकसान हो सकता है अधिक जानकारी के लिए, विदेशी मुद्रा ब्रोकर सारांश आसान विदेशी मुद्रा। विदेशी मुद्रा में देखें व्यापार, लाभ उठाने के लिए एक छोटे से प्रारंभिक निवेश की आवश्यकता होती है, जिसे मार्जिन कहा जाता है ताकि विदेशी मुद्राओं में पर्याप्त व्यापार हो सके सीई के उतार-चढ़ाव के परिणामस्वरूप मार्जिन कॉल्स में निवेश किया जा सकता है जहां निवेशक को अतिरिक्त मार्जिन का भुगतान करने की आवश्यकता होती है, अस्थिर बाजार की स्थितियों के दौरान, उत्तोलन का आक्रामक उपयोग के परिणामस्वरूप प्रारंभिक निवेशों की तुलना में पर्याप्त नुकसान होगा। अधिक देखने के लिए, विदेशी मुद्रा उत्तोलन एक डबल-एज तलवार देखें। जोखिम। बुनियादी मैक्रोइकॉनॉमिक्स पाठ्यक्रमों में आप सीखते हैं कि ब्याज दरें देशों पर विनिमय दर पर प्रभाव पड़ती हैं यदि किसी देश की ब्याज दरें बढ़ती हैं, तो उस देश की परिसंपत्तियों में निवेश के प्रवाह की वजह से इसकी मुद्रा मजबूत होगी क्योंकि एक मजबूत मुद्रा उच्च रिटर्न प्रदान करती है विपरीत , यदि ब्याज दरों में कमी आती है, तो इसकी मुद्रा कमजोर होती है क्योंकि निवेशक अपने निवेश को वापस लेने लगते हैं ब्याज दर की प्रकृति और विनिमय दर पर इसके घबराहट के प्रभाव के कारण, मुद्रा मानों के बीच का अंतर विदेशी मुद्रा मूल्यों को नाटकीय रूप से बदल सकता है अधिक के लिए, देखें विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापारियों के लिए ब्याज दरें। लेनदेन जोखिम समय के साथ जुड़ी एक विनिमय दर जोखिम है एक अनुबंध की शुरुआत के बीच का बकाया और जब यह तय हो जाता है कि विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार 24 घंटों के आधार पर होता है जिसके परिणामस्वरूप ट्रेडों के निपटान से पहले विनिमय दरें बदलती हैं, परिणामस्वरूप, व्यापारिक घंटों के दौरान अलग-अलग कीमतों पर मुद्रा का कारोबार किया जा सकता है किसी अनुबंध में प्रवेश करने और निपटान के बीच लेनदेन जोखिम बढ़ जाता है किसी भी समय मतभेद विनिमय जोखिम में उतार चढ़ाव की अनुमति देता है, मुद्राओं में निपटने वाले व्यक्तियों और निगमों में वृद्धि हुई है, और संभवत: बहुत अधिक, लेनदेन की लागत अधिक के लिए, देखें कॉर्पोरेट मुद्रा जोखिम समझाए गए हैं। वित्तीय लेनदेन में प्रतिपक्ष कंपनी जो निवेशक को संपत्ति प्रदान करती है इस प्रकार प्रतिपक्ष जोखिम एक विशेष लेनदेन में डीलर या ब्रोकर से डिफ़ॉल्ट के जोखिम को संदर्भित करता है विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार, मुद्रा और मुद्राओं पर आगे के अनुबंध एक एक्सचेंज या क्लियरिंग हाउस द्वारा गारंटी नहीं है स्पॉट मुद्रा व्यापार में काउंटरपार्टी जोखिम बाज़ार निर्माता डेर की शोधन क्षमता से आता है अस्थिर बाजार की स्थितियों में, काउंटरपार्टी या अनुबंधों का पालन करने से इनकार कर सकते हैं या अधिक के लिए, क्रॉस-मुद्रा निपटारा जोखिम देखें। जब मुद्राओं में निवेश करने के विकल्प चुनते हैं, तो किसी को उनके जारी करने वाले देश की संरचना और स्थिरता का मूल्यांकन करना चाहिए। तीसरी दुनिया के देशों, विनिमय दरें एक विश्व नेता जैसे कि अमेरिकी डॉलर में तय की जाती हैं इस परिस्थिति में, केंद्रीय बैंकों को एक निश्चित विनिमय दर बनाए रखने के लिए पर्याप्त भंडार बनाए रखना चाहिए। भुगतान घाटे की लगातार शेष राशि के कारण मुद्रा संकट हो सकता है और इसका अवमूल्यन मुद्रा विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार और कीमतों पर इसका बहुत बड़ा असर हो सकता है अधिक जानकारी के लिए, इराकी दिनार में निवेश करने के लिए शीर्ष दस कारणों को देखें। यदि निवेशक का मानना है कि किसी मुद्रा का मूल्य कम हो जाएगा, तो वह शुरू हो सकता है अपनी परिसंपत्तियों को वापस लेना, और आगे मुद्रा को अवमूल्यन करना उन निवेशक जो मुद्रा को जारी रखना जारी रखते हैं, उनकी संपत्ति को अतरल हो पाएंगे या से दिवालिया होने लगेंगे डीलरों विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार के संबंध में, मुद्रा संबंधी संकटों से देश की मुद्रा की आकर्षकता को कम करने से तरलता खतरों और क्रेडिट जोखिम को बढ़ाया जाता है यह एशियाई वित्तीय संकट और अर्जेंटीना संकट में विशेष रूप से प्रासंगिक था, जहां प्रत्येक देश की घरेलू मुद्रा अंत में ढह जाती है। दुनिया भर में क्रडिट क्रंच की जांच करना। जोखिम की एक लंबी सूची के साथ, विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार से जुड़ा घाटा शुरू में अपेक्षित हो सकता है leveraged ट्रेडों की प्रकृति के कारण, एक छोटे से प्रारंभिक शुल्क पर्याप्त घाटे और अतरल संपत्ति में परिणाम कर सकते हैं इसके अलावा समय मतभेद और राजनीतिक मुद्दे वित्तीय बाजारों और देशों के मुद्राओं पर बहुत अधिक असरदार हो सकते हैं, जबकि विदेशी मुद्रा की संपत्ति में सबसे अधिक व्यापारिक मात्रा होती है, जोखिम खतरनाक होते हैं और गंभीर नुकसान पहुंच सकते हैं। ओएडा हमारे वेबसाइटों को आसानी से उपयोग करने के लिए कुकीज का उपयोग करता है और हमारे विज़िटर को अनुकूलित करता है। आपको व्यक्तिगत रूप से पहचानने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जायेगा हमारी वेबसाइट पर जाकर आप सहमति देते हैं हमारे गोपनीयता नीति के अनुसार, कुकीज़ को अवरुद्ध करने, हटाने या प्रबंधित करने के लिए कुकी का इस्तेमाल करने के लिए ओंडा का उपयोग करें, कृपया देखें कुकीज़ प्रतिबंधित करना आपको हमारी वेबसाइट की कुछ कार्यक्षमताओं से लाभान्वित करेगा। हमारे मोबाइल एप्लिकेशन डाउनलोड करें। खाता खोलें। एलटीआईफ़्रेम चौड़ाई 1 ऊंचाई 1 फ़्रेमबार्डर 0 स्टाइल डिस्प्ले कोई भी मैकेस्टाइल डिस्प्ले नहीं जीटी एलटी आइफ्रेम gt. लेसन 2 ट्रेडिंग फॉरेक्स और मार्केट पार्टिसिपेंट्स के लाभ। विदेशी मुद्रा ट्रेडिंग में शामिल जोखिम। आप अपनी शुरुआती जमा से अधिक खो सकते हैं। किसी भी तरह के व्यापार की तरह विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार जोखिम के बिना नहीं है । कुछ तो यह भी सुझाव दे सकते हैं कि विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार में व्यापार वास्तव में ऊपर-औसत जोखिम रखता है। एक नियम आपको सबसे ऊपर रखना चाहिए, केवल अपनी जोखिम पूंजी का उपयोग करके व्यापार करना है। दूसरे शब्दों में, लीवरेज ट्रेडिंग में एक उच्च स्तर की जोखिम होती है। लीवरेज के साथ तैयार करना आपकी पूंजी को बढ़ाने का एक लाभदायक तरीका हो सकता है एक व्यापारी के रूप में, आप अपने खाते में धन का लाभ उठा सकते हैं और संभावित रूप से उससे अधिक लाभ उठा सकते हैं यह राशि जो आप निवेश करते हैं लेकिन इस लाभ के साथ संभावित जोखिम आता है, क्योंकि हानि भी कुल मार्जिन से अधिक हो सकते हैं यही कारण है कि लीवरेज को अक्सर दोधारी तलवार कहा जाता है दोनों उल्टा और नकारात्मक पक्ष यह महत्वपूर्ण माना जा सकता है, हम आपको लीवरेज ट्रेडिंग के साथ जुड़े कुछ जोखिमों से अवगत कराएं, क्योंकि हमारे अनुभव में सबसे अच्छा व्यापारियों ने इन जोखिमों को कम करने के लिए कदम उठाए हैं.पहले, यह जानना महत्वपूर्ण है कि मार्जिन पर ट्रेडिंग करते समय आप संभावित रूप से महत्वपूर्ण नुकसान का सामना कर सकते हैं यदि बाजार काफी हद तक चलता रहता है और स्टॉप लॉस जैसी ध्वनि जोखिम प्रबंधन योजना में जगह नहीं दी गई है, हानि निवेश की कुल राशि से अधिक हो सकती है। चूंकि व्यापारियों के पास एक से अधिक लीवरेज ट्रेड्स एक साथ खुले हो सकते हैं, यहां तक कि प्रतीत होता है कि छोटे या कम जोखिम वाले ट्रेडअप तब जोड़ सकते हैं जब इन पदों को मिलाया जाता है यदि बाजार में वृद्धि, दुर्घटना या अंतर होता है, तो इसका परिणाम उच्च-लाभकारी ट्रेडिंग खाते के लिए महत्वपूर्ण नुकसान में हो सकता है। ओंडा, हम इसे बनाए रखने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं आप अपनी खुली व्यापार गतिविधियों के बारे में सूचित करते हैं, लेकिन दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटना में कि आपका खाता न्यूनतम मार्जिन आवश्यकता से कम हो जाता है, एक मार्जिन समापन हो जाएगा ऐसा होता है, इसलिए हम आपके खाते में आपके मुकाबले अधिक पैसा खोने से आपकी रक्षा कर सकते हैं। हम आपकी सफलता के लिए समर्पित हैं, और हम चाहते हैं कि आप अपने जोखिम को उजागर किए बिना लीवरेज ट्रेडिंग की क्षमता का एहसास करें। कई बाजारों के कारोबार की जोखिम। दुनिया के वैश्विक परिसंपत्ति वर्गों में संभावित हजारों बाजारों पर एक व्यापक ध्यान केंद्रित करने से सर्वोत्तम अवसरों को याद करना फोकस की कमी के कारण ऐसा होता है आइए एक ही समय में कई बाजारों के व्यापार से जुड़े संभावित जोखिमों पर एक नज़र डालें यह एक व्यापार रणनीति पर ध्यान देने योग्य है जिसमें कुछ बाजारों पर नजर रखने के लिए एक सीमित ध्यान केंद्रित किया गया है उपयुक्त उतार-चढ़ाव. बाजारों की एक छोटी घड़ी सूची के साथ आरंभ करें यह अनुभवी व्यापारियों के लिए भी संभव है, बाजार चाल की याद रखना और कई बाजारों में देखे जाने पर जोखिम का सामना करना पड़ता है उसी समय। तंग फैलाने वाले सबसे अधिक तरल और अस्थिर बाजारों की एक छोटी घड़ी की सूची तैयार करना शुरू करने के लिए एक अच्छी जगह होगी। मार्जिन बंद आउट से जुड़े जोखिम। जब कोई मार्जिन बंद होता है। यदि आपका खाता 50 से नीचे आता है प्रारंभिक मार्जिन का, बंद होने के समय वर्तमान एफएक्सट्रेड दरों का उपयोग करके आपके सभी खुले स्थान तुरंत नष्ट हो जाएंगे। मार्जिन क्लोज़ेट्स आपके निवेश से अधिक नुकसान की संभावना को रोकने में मदद कर सकते हैं लेकिन तेजी से चलने वाले बाजारों में, आपकी हानि आपकी पूंजी एक साथ कई खुले स्थान का पालन करने में असमर्थता के कारण कई ट्रेड्स एक साथ खुले हुए हैं, एक मार्जिन समापन के जोखिम को बढ़ा सकते हैं। आपके किसी एक उपकरण में अचानक या महत्वपूर्ण आंदोलन आपके संपूर्ण खाते के लिए आपके मार्जिन स्तरों पर प्रतिकूल रूप से प्रभावित कर सकते हैं। अपने खाते को कम करने के लिए लाभ आप प्रत्येक व्यापार पर एक उच्च मार्जिन आवश्यकता लागू करते हैं, जो अंततः आपको एक मार्जिन समापन से दूर रखती है। उतार चढ़ाव और एलिक के साथ जुड़े जोखिम मौलिकता। एक्सचेंज की दरों की तरह ही उतार चढ़ाव बाजार के निर्माता के रूप में, ओंडा में बाजार की जोखिम में वृद्धि हुई है, जैसे कि आर्थिक और राजनीतिक समाचार की घोषणाएं जब उतार-चढ़ाव बढ़ता है, तो हमारे मूल्य-निर्धारण इंजन हमारे फैलाव को बढ़ाता है तदनुसार जब वाष्पशीलता घट जाती है, हम तदनुसार हमारे फैलाव को संकीर्ण करते हैं । बाज़ार निर्माता के रूप में, ओंडा आपको तरलता प्रदान करता है, जब बैंकिंग या अन्य व्यापारिक भागीदारों से मूल्य निर्धारण हमारे लिए उपलब्ध नहीं है। ग्लोबल मार्केट की तरलता पूरे दिन बदलती है और समाचारों की घटनाओं, दिन के आखिर में रोलओवर अवधि और ट्रेडिंग सत्र के उद्घाटन के प्रति प्रतिक्रिया करती है दुर्लभ तरलता के समय हमारे साथी बैंक अपने जोखिम को सीमित करने के लिए कार्य करते हैं उदाहरण के लिए, वे व्यापार के आकारों को सीमित करते हैं, वे कीमतों का उद्धरण करने से इनकार कर सकते हैं, या वे ऐसे संकेतक उद्धरण प्रदान करते हैं जो कि उनके खिलाफ नहीं व्यापार किया जा सकता है। केवल सम्माननीय विदेशी मुद्रा दलालों के साथ दीवानी। दुर्भाग्य से, ऑनलाइन विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार के शुरुआती दिनों में, धोखाधड़ी एक बहुत ही सामान्य समस्या थी। बेईमान दलालों को साफ करने के लिए महान पैठ बना दिया गया है, लेकिन आपको चाहिए अभी भी एक नया दलाल का चयन करते समय सावधानी बरतें। नियमन पर आवेदक। जब एक विदेशी मुद्रा दलाल की समीक्षा करते हैं, तो विनियमन पर जोर दें। आपको केवल एक दलाल के साथ व्यापार करना चाहिए जो कि एक मान्यता प्राप्त नियामक के साथ अच्छी स्थिति में एक सदस्य है जैसे कि नीचे दी गई सारणी में सूचीबद्ध। देश द्वारा सम्मानित विदेशी मुद्रा विनियामक। कमोडिटी फ्यूचर्स ट्रेडिंग कमिशन सीएफटीसी ने संयुक्त राज्य में खुदरा विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापारियों के लिए प्रमुख मुद्रा जोड़े पर 1 50 से अधिक लाभ उठाया है और 20 अन्य सभी के लिए 1 ओएडा एशिया प्रशांत एफएक्स उत्पादों और सीमाओं पर 50 1 का अधिकतम लाभ उठाता है सीएफडी पर दिए जाने वाले लाभ को लागू करने के लिए ओआंडाए कनाडा के ग्राहकों के लिए अधिकतम उत्तोलन IIROC द्वारा निर्धारित किया जाता है और यह परिवर्तन के अधीन है अधिक जानकारी के लिए हमारे नियामक और वित्तीय अनुपालन अनुभाग देखें। यह केवल सामान्य सूचना उद्देश्यों के लिए है - दिखाए गए उदाहरण उदाहरण के उद्देश्यों के लिए हैं और संभवत: ओंडा से वर्तमान कीमतों को प्रतिबिंबित करें यह निवेश सलाह या व्यापार का प्रलोभन नहीं है पिछले इतिहास भविष्य के प्रति संकेत का संकेत नहीं है मैने .1 99 6 - 2017 ओंडाए कारपोरेशन सभी अधिकार आरक्षित ओंडा, एफएक्सट्रेड और ओंडा के ट्रेडमार्क के एफएक्स परिवार ओंडाए कॉर्पोरेशन के स्वामित्व वाले हैं। इस वेबसाइट पर प्रदर्शित अन्य सभी ट्रेडमार्क उनके संबंधित स्वामियों की संपत्ति हैं। विदेशी मुद्रा अनुबंधों या अन्य ऑफ - मार्जिन पर एक्सचेंज उत्पादों में एक उच्च स्तर का जोखिम होता है और हर किसी के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं हो सकता है हम आपको सावधानीपूर्वक विचार करने की सलाह देते हैं कि आपके व्यक्तिगत परिस्थितियों के प्रकाश में आपके लिए व्यापार उपयुक्त है या नहीं। आप निवेश से अधिक खो सकते हैं इस वेबसाइट पर जानकारी सामान्य प्रकृति में है हम अनुशंसा करते हैं कि आप स्वतंत्र वित्तीय सलाह मांगते हैं और यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि आप ऑनलाइन ट्रेडिंग के माध्यम से शामिल जोखिमों को पूरी तरह से समझते हैं, ऑनलाइन प्लेटफार्म के जरिए अतिरिक्त जोखिम अतिरिक्त जोखिम उठाते हैं। यहां हमारे कानूनी अनुभाग देखें। वित्तीय फैल सट्टेबाजी केवल ओएडा यूरोप लिमिटेड ग्राहकों के लिए उपलब्ध है जो यूके में रहते हैं या आयरलैंड गणराज्य सीएफडी, एमटी 4 हेजिंग क्षमताओं और 50 से अधिक उत्तोलन अनुपात उपलब्ध नहीं हैं अमेरिकी निवासियों इस साइट पर दी जाने वाली जानकारी उन देशों के निवासियों पर निर्देशित नहीं है जहां इसका वितरण, या किसी भी व्यक्ति द्वारा उपयोग किया जाता है, स्थानीय कानून या विनियमन के विपरीत होगा। ओएंडए कॉर्पोरेशन कमोडिटी फ्यूचर्स के साथ एक पंजीकृत फ्यूचर्स कमीशन मर्चेंट और रिटेल फॉरेन एक्सचेंज डीलर है ट्रेडिंग कमिशन और राष्ट्रीय फ्यूचर्स एसोसिएशन का कोई सदस्य नहीं है 0325821 कृपया एनएफए विदेशी मुद्रा निवेशक अलर्ट का संदर्भ लें जहां उचित हो। ओंडा कनाडा निगम यूएलसी खाते कनाडा के किसी भी बैंक खाते के साथ उपलब्ध हैं ओंडा कैनेडा निगम यूएलसी को निवेश उद्योग नियामक कनाडा आईओआरसी के संगठन, जिसमें आईओआरसी ऑनलाइन सलाहकार चेक डेटाबेस आईओआरसी सलाहकार रिपोर्ट शामिल है, और ग्राहक खातों को निर्दिष्ट सीमाओं के भीतर कैनेडियन निवेशक संरक्षण फंड द्वारा संरक्षित किया गया है। प्रकृति और कवरेज की सीमाओं का वर्णन करने वाली एक ब्रोशर अनुरोध पर या यहां उपलब्ध है। ओआंडा यूरोप लिमिटेड एक कंपनी ने इंग्लैंड नंबर 7110087 में पंजीकृत किया है, और इसके reg है मंजिल 9 ए, टॉवर 42, 25 ओल्ड ब्रॉड सेंट, लंदन ईसी 2 एन 1 एचक में आइटरर्ड ऑफिस, यह वित्तीय आचार प्राधिकरण द्वारा प्राधिकृत और विनियमित है। 542574. ओआंडए एशिया पैसिफ़िक प्राइवेट लिमिटेड को रेग नं। 200704926 के कैपिटल मार्केट सर्विसेज लाइसेंस को मॉनेटरी अथॉरिटी द्वारा जारी किया गया है। सिंगापुर की और इंटरनेशनल एंटरप्राइज सिंगापुर द्वारा लाइसेंस प्राप्त है। ओआंडए ऑस्ट्रेलिया Pty लिमिटेड को ऑस्ट्रेलियाई सिक्योरिटीज और इन्वेस्टमेंट कमिशन द्वारा नियंत्रित किया जाता है ASIC एबीएन 26 152 088 34 9, एएफएसएल नं 412981 और इस वेबसाइट पर उत्पादों और सेवाओं की जारीकर्ता है आपके लिए मौजूदा वित्तीय सेवा गाइड एफएसजी उत्पाद प्रकटीकरण वक्तव्य पीडीएस खाता शर्तों और किसी भी अन्य वित्तीय निवेश फैसले करने से पहले किसी अन्य प्रासंगिक ओएंडए दस्तावेजों पर विचार करने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। ये दस्तावेज यहां मिल सकते हैं। ओंडा जापान सह लिमिटेड पहला प्रकार मैं वित्तीय उपकरण कांटो का व्यापार निदेशक स्थानीय वित्तीय ब्यूरो कनि-शॉ नं 2137 संस्थान वित्तीय फ्यूचर्स एसोसिएशन के सदस्य संख्या 1571 मार्जिन उच्च जोखिम है और हर किसी के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं है निवेश से अधिक नुकसान हो सकता है। विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार नियम कभी भी जोखिम नहीं 2 से अधिक व्यापार। 2 से अधिक व्यापार प्रति जोखिम नहीं है यह सबसे आम है - और फिर भी सबसे अधिक उल्लंघन - व्यापार में नियम और चला जाता है यह समझाने की ओर एक लंबा रास्ता है कि क्यों अधिकांश व्यापारी पैसे खो देते हैं व्यापार की किताबें व्यापारियों की कहानियां, एक, दो, एक भी व्यापार में पांच साल के मुनाफे के हद तक खराब होती हैं, बहुत खराब हो गईं यह पहला कारण है कि 2 स्टॉप-लॉसन नियम कभी भी नहीं हो सकता उल्लंघन किया जा सकता है कोई खास बात नहीं है कि व्यापारी किसी विशेष परिणाम के बारे में हो सकता है, बाजार, जैसा कि प्रसिद्ध अर्थशास्त्री जॉन मेनार्ड केनेस ने कहा है, अब तक तर्कहीन रह सकता है कि आप विलायक बना सकते हैं स्टॉप लॉस पर अधिक जानकारी लेख स्टॉप लॉस आदेश - सुनिश्चित करें कि आप इसका इस्तेमाल करते हैं। बाड़ के लिए साइडिंग अधिकांश व्यापारियों ने बिग वन को देखने के जरिए, व्यापारिक करियर शुरू किया है, चाहे वह जानबूझकर या अवचेतन, एक ऐसा व्यापार जो उन्हें लाखों बना देगा और आपको रिटायर करने की अनुमति देगा एनजी और अपने जीवन के बाकी हिस्सों के लिए सावधानी बरतें एफएक्स में इस फंतासी को आगे बाजारों के लोककथाओं द्वारा प्रबलित किया जाता है जो जॉर्ज सोरोस ने पाउंड को घटाकर बैंक ऑफ इंग्लैंड को तोड़ दिया और एक शांत 1 अरब के लाभ से दूर चला गया। एक दिन लेकिन बाजार की ठंडी सख्त सच्चाई यह है कि बिग वन जीतने के बजाय, अधिकांश व्यापारियों को एक विपत्तिपूर्ण नुकसान का शिकार होता है जो उन्हें हमेशा से खेल से बाहर कर देता है जॉर्ज सोरोस और अन्य महान निवेशकों के बारे में और जानने के लिए महानतम निवेशक ट्यूटोरियल। बड़ा नुकसान, जैसा कि निम्न तालिका दर्शाता है, को दूर करने के लिए बेहद मुश्किल है। इक्विटी हानि की राशि। लौटने की राशि मूल को पुनर्स्थापित करने के लिए आवश्यक है। क्रियान्वयन जोखिम। इन युग्मों के साथ जुड़े जोखिम का एक स्तर है जो हो सकता है निहित इन मुद्राओं के लिए बाजार बहुत तरल है, जिसके चलते तरलता को बनाए रखा जाता है और एक या कुछ बाहरी स्रोतों द्वारा प्रदान किया जाता है ये तरलता संबंधी चिंताओं में शामिल हैं लेकिन इसमें सीमित नहीं हैं बाजार गतिविधि की कमी के आधार पर बाहर निकलने की स्थिति, उद्धृत कीमतों में अंतर और अंतिम निष्पादन प्राप्त किया गया है, या निष्पादन में विलंब होने पर आपके विशिष्ट लेनदेन के लिए एक काउंटरपार्टी की पहचान की जाती है इन विचारों को ध्यान में रखते हुए यह आवश्यक है कि किसी व्यापारी को किसी भी कारोबारी फैसले में इस कारण से हम सभी व्यापारियों को इन जोखिमों को कम करने के लिए उन्नत आदेश प्रकारों का उपयोग करने के लिए दृढ़ता से प्रोत्साहित करते हैं। डिलीसेंस इन एक्सीकशन। निष्पादन में देर हो सकती है एफएक्ससीएम एस नो डीलिंग डेस्क विदेशी मुद्रा निष्पादन मॉडल, विभिन्न कारणों से, जैसे व्यापारी के इंटरनेट कनेक्शन एफएक्ससीएम को एक तरलता प्रदाता से पुष्टि में देरी करने के लिए या मुद्रा जोड़ी के लिए उपलब्ध तरलता की कमी से कि व्यापारकर्ता व्यापार की कोशिश कर रहा है बाजारों में अंतर्निहित अस्थिरता के कारण, यह आवश्यक है कि व्यापारियों के पास काम और विश्वसनीय इंटरनेट कनेक्शन है परिस्थिति होती है जब व्यापारी का व्यक्तिगत इंटरनेट कनेक्शन लगातार कनेक्शन के साथ नहीं हो सकता है वायरलेस या डायलअप कनेक्शन से सिग्नल की शक्ति की कमी के कारण एफएक्ससीएम सर्वर कनेक्शन पथ में एक अशांति कभी-कभी संकेत को बाधित कर सकता है और एफएक्ससीएम ट्रेडिंग स्टेशन को निष्क्रिय कर सकता है, जिसके कारण ट्रेडिंग स्टेशन और एफएक्ससीएम सर्वर वन के बीच डाटा ट्रांसमिशन में देरी हो सकती है। FXCMs सर्वर के साथ अपने इंटरनेट कनेक्शन की जांच करने के लिए अपने कंप्यूटर से सर्वर पिंग करना है। RESET आदेश। बाजार की अस्थिरता ऐसी स्थिति बनाता है जो आदेशों की अत्यधिक मात्रा के कारण दिए गए मूल्य पर आदेश को निष्पादित करना मुश्किल बनाते हैं समय के आदेश सक्षम होते हैं निष्पादित होने के लिए बोली बोली, जिस पर एक तरलता प्रदाता एक स्थान लेने के लिए तैयार है, वह कई पिप्स दूर हो सकता है। ऐसे मामलों में जहां मार्केट रेंज ऑर्डर को भरने के लिए तरलता पूल पर्याप्त नहीं है, यह आदेश सीमा के लिए नहीं किया जाएगा प्रवेश या सीमा आदेश, आदेश निष्पादित नहीं किया जाएगा, लेकिन जब तक कि आदेश भरने के लिए रीसेट नहीं किया जायेगा याद रखें, दोनों लिमिट एंट्री और लिमिट ऑर्डर गारंटी मूल्य पर हैं लेकिन गारंटी नहीं देते व्यवहार अंतर्निहित व्यापारिक रणनीति के आधार पर और अंतर्निहित बाजार परिस्थितियों में व्यापारियों को प्राप्त मूल्य की तुलना में निष्पादन के साथ और अधिक चिंतित हो सकते हैं। विद्रोही स्प्रेड। उदाहरण के तौर पर, जब फैलता है फैलता फैलता है फैलता फैलता फैलता से परे बाजार की तरलता का एक कार्य होता है और सीमित अवधि में बाजार में खुले या चलने के दौरान 5 00:00 ईटी पर चलने वाली तरलता, कीमतों की दिशा में अनिश्चितता के जवाब में, बाजार की अस्थिरता में वृद्धि हो सकती है या बाजार की तरलता की कमी में फैल सकता है यह विशेष रूप से रोलओवर के आसपास फैला हुआ फैल देखने के लिए असामान्य नहीं है व्यापार रोलओवर आमतौर पर बाजार में एक बहुत ही शांत अवधि है, क्योंकि न्यूयॉर्क के कारोबार का दिन अभी समाप्त हो चुका है, और अभी तक कुछ दिन पहले ही टोक्यो में नया व्यापार दिवस शुरू हो रहा है इन पैटर्नों के बारे में जानकारी रखने और उन्हें ध्यान में रखते हुए व्यापार करते समय खुले आदेश या इन समय के आसपास नए ट्रेडों को रखने से आपके व्यापारिक अनुभव में सुधार हो सकता है यह घटनाओं के दौरान हो सकता है और फैलता फैल सकता है बाजार में भारी मात्रा में उतार-चढ़ाव की भरपाई करने के लिए काफी हद तक चौड़ा होना फैलता है कुछ ही मिनटों तक ही रह सकता है या कुछ मिनटों तक ही हो सकता है एफएक्ससीएम ने व्यापारियों को खबरों के आसपास कारोबार करते समय सतर्कता का इस्तेमाल करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया है और हमेशा अपने खाते की इक्विटी , प्रयोज्य मार्जिन और मार्केट एक्सपोज़र विस्तृत फैलता नीचे दिए गए चर्चा में हेजिंग पदों सहित किसी खाते में सभी पदों पर प्रतिकूल प्रभाव डाल सकता है। हांगिंग के आदेश। उच्च मात्रा के दौरान, फांसी के आदेश हो सकते हैं यह एक शर्त है जहां एक आदेश निष्पादन की प्रक्रिया में है, लेकिन निष्पादन अभी तक पुष्टि नहीं की गई है आदेश लाल में हाइलाइट किया जाएगा, और स्थिति कॉलम ऑर्डर विंडो में निष्पादित या प्रसंस्करण को इंगित करेगा, इन स्थितियों में, आदेश निष्पादित होने की प्रक्रिया में है, लेकिन जब तक FXCM को पुष्टि नहीं मिलती नकदी प्रदाता जो उद्धृत कीमतों को अभी भी उपलब्ध है भारी ट्रेडिंग मात्रा की अवधि के दौरान, यह संभव है कि आदेश की एक पंक्ति एल फॉर्म ये है कि इनकमिंग ऑर्डर में बढ़ोतरी कभी कभी ऐसी स्थिति बना सकती हैं, जहां कुछ ऑर्डर की पुष्टि करने में तरलता प्रदाताओं की देरी है। आदेश के प्रकार के आधार पर, परिणाम भिन्न हो सकते हैं एक मार्केट रेंज ऑर्डर के मामले में जो उसमें नहीं भरा जा सकता है निर्दिष्ट सीमा, या यदि विलंब पार हो गया है, तो ऑर्डर निष्पादित नहीं किया जाएगा एक मार्केट ऑर्डर के मामले में, बाजार में अगले उपलब्ध मूल्य पर ऑर्डर भरने के लिए हर प्रयास किया जाएगा, दोनों स्थितियों में, स्टेटस कॉलम में ऑर्डर विंडो आमतौर पर निष्पादित या प्रसंस्करण को इंगित करेगी व्यापार खुले स्थान की खिड़की पर जाने के लिए बस कुछ ही क्षणों को ले जाएगा ऑर्डर प्रकार के आधार पर, स्थिति वास्तव में निष्पादित हो सकती है, और देरी केवल भारी इंटरनेट ट्रैफ़िक के कारण है। ध्यान रखें कि एक ही आदेश के लिए एक से अधिक प्रविष्टियां धीमा या आपके कंप्यूटर को लॉक या अनजाने में अवांछित स्थिति खोलने के बाद किसी भी ऑर्डर में प्रवेश करने के लिए केवल आवश्यक है। अगर किसी भी समय आप अपॉइंट करने में असमर्थ हैं आपके खाते का प्रबंधन करने के लिए एफएक्ससीएम ट्रेडिंग स्टेशन है, तो आप ट्रेडिंग डेस्क सीधे 1 212-201-7300 पर कॉल कर सकते हैं अंतरराष्ट्रीय संपर्क नंबरों की एक पूरी सूची देखें.ग्रिड आउट प्राइसिंग। गियरड आउट मूल्य निर्धारण एक ऐसी स्थिति है, जो तब होती है जब विदेशी मुद्रा तरलता प्रदाता एफएक्ससीएम को आपूर्ति मूल्य निर्धारण सक्रिय रूप से विशेष मुद्रा जोड़े के लिए बाजार नहीं बना रही है और इसलिए तरलता में कमी आई है, इसलिए एफएक्ससीएम जानबूझकर कीमतों को साफ नहीं करता है, लेकिन कई बार, प्रसार के अंतर में एक तीव्र वृद्धि प्रदाता के साथ कनेक्टिविटी के नुकसान के कारण हो सकती है या घोषणा की वजह से बाजार पर नाटकीय प्रभाव पड़ता है जो कि तरलता को सीमित करता है जैसे कि कीमतों में बढ़ोतरी या बढ़ी हुई फैलता के कारण व्यापारियों के खाते में मार्जिन कॉल हो सकता है जब कोई मुद्रा जोड़ी गई कीमतों से प्रभावित मुद्रा जोड़ी पर रखी जाती है, पीएल अस्थायी रूप से शून्य तक फ्लैश करेगा जब तक कि जोड़ी का एक व्यापारिक मूल्य नहीं होता है और सिस्टम पीएल बैलेंस की गणना कर सकता है। हेज करने की क्षमता से एक व्यापारी को दोनों खरीद और बेचने की स्थिति एक ही मुद्रा जोड़ी में एक साथ व्यापारी एक मुद्रा जोड़ी के लिए एक विशेष दिशा का चयन किए बिना बाज़ार में प्रवेश करने की क्षमता रखते हैं। हालांकि हेजिंग भविष्य के घाटे को कम करने या सीमित कर सकती है, इससे खाते को अधिक नुकसान के अधीन नहीं होने से रोकता है पूरी तरह से विदेशी मुद्रा बाजार में एक व्यापारी मात्रा द्वारा पूरी तरह से बचाव करने में सक्षम है, लेकिन कीमत से नहीं, यह खरीद और बेचने की कीमतों या फैल प्रभावी, 02 दिसंबर 2012 के बीच के अंतर के कारण है, एफएक्ससीएम व्यापारियों को एक तरफ एक तरफ के बड़े हिस्से को मार्जिन लगाने की आवश्यकता होगी हेजिंग की स्थिति मार्जिन की आवश्यकताओं को हर समय साधारण सौदे की खिड़की में निगरानी की जा सकती है जबकि हेज करने की क्षमता एक आकर्षक विशेषता है, व्यापारियों को निम्नलिखित कारकों से अवगत होना चाहिए जो हेज की स्थिति को प्रभावित कर सकते हैं। निम्नीकरण मार्जिन। एक मार्जिन कॉल तब भी हो सकती है जब एक खाता पूरी तरह से हेज हो चुका है, क्योंकि फैलाव फैल सकता है, जिससे खाते में बकाया मार्जिन कम हो जाता है जिससे शेष मार्जिन माई के लिए अपर्याप्त होना चाहिए किसी भी खुली पोजीशन के मुताबिक, खाता एक मार्जिन कॉल को बनाए रख सकता है, खाते में किसी भी खुले स्थान को बंद कर सकता है, हालांकि एक लंबी और छोटी स्थिति बनाए रखने से व्यापारी को यह धारणा मिल सकती है कि बाजार के आंदोलन के लिए उसका प्रदर्शन सीमित है, अगर अनुपलब्ध उपलब्ध मार्जिन मौजूद है और किसी भी अवधि के लिए चौड़े फैलता है, यह निश्चित रूप से सभी पदों पर एक मार्जिन कॉल का परिणाम हो सकता है। रोलर कॉस्ट। रोलर एक साथ समापन है और दिन के दौरान एक विशेष बिंदु पर स्थिति का उद्घाटन करने के लिए निपटान और वितरण से बचने के लिए खरीदी गई मुद्रा यह शब्द भी, जो कि रातोंरात आयोजित पदों के लिए व्यापारी के खाते पर लगाए गए या लागू किए गए ब्याज को संदर्भित करता है, जिसका मतलब है कि 5 बजे ईटी पर एफएक्ससीएम प्लेटफार्मों पर पोजीशन बंद हो जाती है और फिर से खोला जाता है, और रोलओवर शुल्क डेबिट किया जाता है या श्रेय, इसे आमतौर पर ट्रेड रोलओवर टीआरओ के रूप में जाना जाता है यह ध्यान रखना महत्वपूर्ण है कि रोलओवर शुल्क रोलओवर से अधिक होगा, जब सभी पदों को एसी में हेज किया जाता है गिनती है, हालांकि कुल शुद्ध स्थिति फ्लैट हो सकती है, फिर भी खाते में रोल ओवर होने पर होने वाले फैलाव के कारण घाटे को जारी रख सकता है, रोल ओवर के दौरान फैलता है जब अन्य समय की अवधि की तुलना में तरलता प्रदाताओं की तुलना में अधिक हो सकता है, दिन के लेन-देन रोलओवर के हिसाब से पदों को प्रबंधित करें और मौजूदा ओपन पोजीशंस या नए पदों के ऑर्डर के साथ निष्पादन के संबंध में फैलता फैलाने के प्रभावों को समझें। एक्सचेंज रेट फ्लुक्टायूशन पिप कॉस्ट। एक्सचेंज दर में उतार चढ़ाव, या पीपी की लागत, को दिए गए मूल्य के रूप में परिभाषित किया गया है किसी विशेष मुद्रा जोड़ी के लिए एक पिप आंदोलन यह लागत मुद्रा की राशि है जो मुद्रा जोड़ी दर के प्रत्येक पिप आंदोलन के साथ प्राप्त की जाती है या खोई जाती है और उस खाते के मुद्रा संप्रदाय में अंकित हो जाएगी जिसमें जोड़ी का कारोबार किया जा रहा है। एफएक्ससीएम प्लेटफार्म, सभी मुद्रा जोड़े के लिए पीपी की लागत देखें, उसके बाद लेन-देन के दृश्य, और फिर क्लिक द्वारा चुनकर पाई जा सकती है राजा सरल दरें उसके बगैर चेकमार्क लागू करने के लिए यदि साधारण दरें पहले से ही एक चेक मार्क के पास हैं, तो साधारण दृश्य में लेनदेन दर को देखने से निपटने की दर खिड़की में साधारण लेनदेन दरें टैब पर क्लिक करना आसान होता है, एक बार दिखाई देने वाला दरें देखने के लिए विंडो के दाहिनी ओर पीआईपी लागत को प्रदर्शित किया जाएगा। सार्वभौमिक फैलाव। जब आप कोई डीलिंग डेस्क निष्पादन मॉडल का उपयोग करते हुए एफएक्ससीएम के साथ विदेशी मुद्रा व्यापार करते हैं, तो आप मूल्य फीड पर ट्रेडिंग कर रहे हैं जो कई तरलता प्रदाताओं द्वारा प्रदान की जा रही हैं, प्लस एफएक्ससीएम का मार्क-अप दुर्लभ मामलों में, इन फीड को बाधित किया जा सकता है यह केवल एक पल के लिए पिछले हो सकता है, लेकिन जब यह फैलता है, इन दुर्लभ अवसरों के दौरान फैलता है, एफएक्ससीएम सलाह देता है कि क्लाइंट को मार्केट ऑर्डर देने से बचने की ज़रूरत होती है, हालांकि यह आकर्षक हो सकता है एक मुक्त व्यापार करें, ध्यान रखें कि कीमतें वास्तविक नहीं हैं और आपकी वास्तविक भरण प्रदर्शित मूल्य से कई पिप्स हो सकती है। इस घटना में ट्रेडों को दर पर निष्पादित किया जाता है, जो वास्तव में एफएक्ससीएम की नकदी प्रदाताओं, एफएक्ससीएम भंडार इस तरह के ट्रेडों को रिवर्स करने का अधिकार, क्योंकि उन्हें वैध ट्रेड नहीं माना जाता है, इन पलों के दौरान मार्केट रेंज ऑर्डर देने या व्यापार नहीं करने से, व्यापारी ऊपर के परिदृश्यों से जुड़े जोखिम से बच सकते हैं। हॉलिडे सप्ताहांत एक्सीकशन। ट्रेडिंग डेस हार्स। ट्रेडिंग डेस्क पर खुलता है 5:00 पूर्वाह्न के बीच रविवार और 5 बजे 15 बजे ईटी। व्यापारिक डेस्क शुक्रवार को 4 55 बजे ईटी पर बंद हो जाता है कृपया ध्यान दें कि पहले दिए गए आदेश को 5 00 बजे ईटी तक भरे जा सकते हैं और वह व्यापारियों को 4 55 बजे से 5 बजे के बीच व्यापार करना चाहिए। ऑर्डर लंबित ऑर्डर रद्द करने में असमर्थ हो सकता है उस स्थिति में जब मार्केट जीटीसी ऑर्डर को बाजार में बंद किया जाता है, तो संभावना यह है कि रविवार को बाज़ार खोलने तक इसे निष्पादित नहीं किया जा सकता है शुक्रवार के बाजार के आसपास कारोबार करते समय सावधानी बरतें और सभी कारक किसी भी कारोबारी फैसले में ऊपर वर्णित जानकारी। ट्रेडिंग डेस्क द्वारा खुले या नज़दीक के समय में परिवर्तन किया जा सकता है क्योंकि यह इन घंटे के बाहर तरलता प्रदाताओं द्वारा प्रस्तावित कीमतों पर निर्भर करता है। प्रमुख विश्व बैंकों और वित्तीय केंद्रों को बंद कर दिया जाता है सप्ताहांत के दौरान तरलता और मात्रा की कमी निष्पादन और मूल्य वितरण में बाधा उत्पन्न होती है। खुलेपन से पहले तय किए गए प्रश्न। ट्रेडिंग डेस्क रिफ्रेश दरों को वर्तमान बाज़ार मूल्य को प्रतिबिंबित करने के लिए तैयार करता है। इस समय खुला, इस सप्ताह के अंत में आयोजित ट्रेडों और ऑर्डर निष्पादन के अधीन हैं। इस समय के दौरान उद्धरण नए बाजार आदेशों के लिए निष्पादन योग्य नहीं हैं। खुले होने के बाद, व्यापारी नए ट्रेडों को रख सकते हैं, और मौजूदा ऑर्डर रद्द कर सकते हैं या संशोधित कर सकते हैं। शुक्रवार की समापन कीमतों के समान ही नहीं हो सकता है कभी-कभी, रविवार को खुले कीमतों के करीब है, जहां शुक्रवार को कीमतें थीं, दूसरे समय में, शुक्रवार के करीबी और रविवार के बीच एक महत्वपूर्ण अंतर हो सकता है बाजार अंतर यदि कोई महत्वपूर्ण समाचार घोषणा या एक आर्थिक घटना है जो बाजार में मुद्रा के मूल्य को देखते हुए बदलता है, तो व्यापारियों को सप्ताहांत में स्थित पदों या आदेशों को पूरा करना चाहिए। बाजार की क्षमता के साथ फिक्स्ड के लिए फिक्स्ड। ओडर एक्जीकशन। कम से कम ऑर्डर अक्सर अनुरोधित मूल्य या बेहतर पर भरे जाते हैं यदि मांग की गई कीमत या बाजार में बेहतर कीमत उपलब्ध नहीं है तो ऑर्डर भर नहीं किया जाएगा यदि अनुरोध किया गया मूल्य एक बंद आदेश रविवार को बाजार के खोलने पर पहुंच जाता है, यह आदेश एक मार्केट अनुक्रम बन जाएगा। सीमा प्रविष्टि के आदेश उसी तरह भरे जाते हैं जैसे सीमा आदेश रोकें आदेश बंद हो जाता है उसी तरह से रोकता है। सप्ताह के जोखिम। बाजार सप्ताहांत के दौरान बेहद अस्थिर हो सकता है, कि गैपिंग हो सकती है, या सप्ताहांत जोखिम की संभावितता उनके व्यापारिक शैली के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं है, यह सप्ताह के अंत से ही ऑर्डर और पदों को बंद कर सकता है यह आवश्यक है कि व्यापारियों को खुले स्थान सप्ताहांत में समझते हैं कि आपके आर्थिक स्थितियों के मूल्य को प्रभावित करने के लिए प्रमुख आर्थिक घटनाओं और समाचार घोषणाओं के लिए संभावित बाज़ारों में व्यक्त की गई अस्थिरता को देखते हुए यह असामान्य नहीं है बाजार में बंद होने वाले बाजारों में कीमतों की संख्या बहुत अधिक है, हम सभी व्यापारियों को व्यापारिक निर्णय लेने से पहले इस पर विचार करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करते हैं। मार्जिन कॉल और बंद का सामान। जब आपके प्रयोग करने योग्य मार्जिन शून्य से नीचे गिरता है, तो यह तब शुरू हो जाता है जब आपका फ्लोटिंग नुकसान आपके खाते की इक्विटी को एक स्तर पर कम कर देता है जो आपके मार्जिन की अपेक्षा से कम है इसलिए, किसी भी मार्जिन कॉल का परिणाम बाद में परिसमापन हो जाता है जब तक कि निर्दिष्ट नहीं किया जाता है। मार्जिन ट्रेडिंग का विचार यह है कि आपका मार्जिन एक अच्छा विश्वास जमा के रूप में बड़ा करने के लिए कार्य करता है आपकी स्थिति के काल्पनिक मूल्य मार्जिन ट्रेडिंग व्यापारियों को वास्तविक खाता मूल्य से बहुत अधिक स्थान रखने की अनुमति देता है FXCM ट्रेडिंग स्टेशन की मार्जिन प्रबंधन क्षमता है, जो लाभ उठाने के उपयोग की अनुमति देती है, बेशक, मार्जिन पर ट्रेडिंग जोखिम के साथ आता है क्योंकि लीवरेज के खिलाफ काम हो सकता है आप जितना यह आपके लिए काम करता है उतना जितना खाता इक्विटी मार्जिन आवश्यकताओं से नीचे आता है, एफएक्ससीएम ट्रेडिंग स्टेशन सभी ऑप्शन को बंद करने के लिए एक आदेश को ट्रिगर करेगा एन पदों जब स्थिति अधिक लीवरेज हो रही है या व्यापारिक घाटे को इस बात पर लगाया जाता है कि वर्तमान खुली स्थिति बनाए रखने के लिए अपर्याप्त इक्विटी मौजूद है और खाता उपयोग योग्य मार्जिन शून्य से नीचे आता है, एक मार्जिन कॉल का परिणाम होगा और सभी खुले स्थान समाप्त हो जाएंगे। कृपया ध्यान रखें कि जब खाते का उपयोग योग्य मार्जिन शून्य से नीचे आता है, तो सभी खुले स्थान को बंद करने के लिए ट्रिगर किया जाता है। परिसमापन प्रक्रिया पूरी तरह से इलेक्ट्रॉनिक होने के लिए तैयार की जाती है। हालाँकि मार्जिन कॉल सुविधा की स्थिति को बंद करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है जब खाता इक्विटी मार्जिन से नीचे आता है requirements, there may be instances when liquidity does not exist at the exact margin call rate As a result, account equity can fall below margin requirements at the time orders are filled, even to the point where account equity becomes negative This is especially true during market gaps or volatile periods FXCM recommends that traders use Stop orders to limit downside risk in lieu of using a margin call as a final stop. It is strongly advised that clients maintain the appropriate amount of margin in their accounts at all times Margin requirements may be changed based on account size, simultaneous open positions, trading style, market conditions, and at the discretion of FXCM. Metatrader 4.Please note that MT4 users are subject to different margin call procedures When a margin call is triggered on the account, individual positions will be liquidated until the remaining equity is sufficient to support existing position s In deciding what positions will be individually liquidated the largest losing position will be closed first during liquidation. CHART PRICING VS PRICES DISPLAYED ON THE PLATFORM. It is important to make a distinction between indicative prices displayed on charts and dealable prices displayed on the platforms, such as Trading Station and MetaTrader 4 Indicative quotes are those that offer an indication of the prices in the market, and the rate at which they are changing These prices ar e derived from a host of contributors such as banks and clearing firms, which may or may not reflect where FXCM s liquidity providers are making prices Indicative prices are usually very close to dealing prices, but they only give an indication of where the market is Executable quotes ensure finer execution and thus a reduced transaction cost Because the spot forex market lacks a single central exchange where all transactions are conducted, each forex dealer may quote slightly different prices Therefore, any prices displayed by a third party charting provider, which does not employ the market maker s price feed, will reflect indicative prices and not necessarily actual dealing prices where trades can be executed. MOBILE TRADING PLATFORMS. There are a series of inherent risks with the use of the mobile trading technology such as the duplication of order instructions, latency in the prices provided, and other issues that are a result of mobile connectivity Prices displayed on the mobile pl atform are solely an indication of the executable rates and may not reflect the actual executed price of the order. Mobile TS II utilizes public communication network circuits for the transmission of messages FXCM shall not be liable for any and all circumstances in which you experience a delay in price quotation or an inability to trade caused by network circuit transmission problems or any other problems outside the direct control of FXCM Transmission problems include but are not limited to the strength of the mobile signal, cellular latency, or any other issues that may arise between you and any internet service provider, phone service provider, or any other service provider. It is strongly recommended that clients familiarise themselves with the functionality of the FXCM Mobile Trading Station prior to managing a live account via portable device. TS MOBILE TABLET APPLICATION. FXCM s Trading Station Web platform has been modified to run on mobile and tablet devices The mobile platform f or tablet devices is called Trading Station Mobile and has the same trading features as Trading Station Web The same connectivity risks described above regarding our Mobile TS II apply to use with any application made available for tablet trading. Dealing Desk Forex Execution Trading Risks. HIGH RISK INVESTMENT. Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors Before deciding to trade these products offered by Forex Capital Markets, Limited FXCM you should carefully consider your objectives, financial situation, needs and level of experience Forex Capital Markets, Limited is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority FCA Registration No 217689 FXCM maintains its registered office at Northern and Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames Street, 8th Floor, London EC3R 6AD FXCM may provide general commentary without regard to your objectives, financial situation or needs General advice given, or the content of this website are not intended to be personal advice and should not be construed as such The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss in excess of your deposited funds You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading on margin FXCM recommends you seek advice from an independent financial advisor. FXCM MARKET OPINIONS. Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices, or other information contained on this website is provided as general market commentary, and does not constitute investment advice FXCM will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. INTERNET TRADING RISKS. There are risks associated with utilising an internet-based deal-execution trading system including, but not limited to, the failure of hardware, software, and internet connection Since FXCM does not control signal power, its reception or routing via the internet, configuration of y our equipment or reliability of its connection, we cannot be responsible for communication failures, distortions or delays when trading via the internet FXCM employs backup systems and contingency plans to minimise the possibility of system failure, which includes allowing clients to trade via telephone. DEALING DESK FOREX EXECUTION MODEL. FXCM also offers forex execution via a Dealing Desk execution model In this model, FXCM s compensation may not be limited to our standard markup and our interests may be in direct conflict with yours FXCM faces market risk as a result of entering into trades with you FXCM may take steps to mitigate its risk arising from market making more effectively by, at our sole discretion and at any time and without previous consent, transferring your underlying account to our NDD execution offering FXCM may also choose to transfer your account to our No Dealing Desk NDD offering should the equity balance in your account exceed the maximum 20,000 currency units in which the account is denominated Account equity is defined as the balance of your account plus the floating P L of your open positions. Dealing Desk execution and trading is not conducted on an exchange FXCM is acting as a counterparty in these transactions and, therefore, acts as the buyer when you sell and the seller when you buy As a result, FXCM s interests may be in conflict with yours Unless otherwise specified in your written agreement or other written documents FXCM establishes the prices at which it offers to trade with you The prices FXCM offers might not be the best prices available and FXCM may offer different prices to different clients If FXCM elects not to cover its own trading exposure, then you should be aware that FXCM may make more money if the market goes against you. The currency pairs listed below are available on the Dealing Desk execution offering FXCM does not guarantee that quotes, prices, or spreads will always be better on one form of execution as compared to the other Customers should consider many factors when deciding which execution type best suits their needs e g conflict of interest, trading style or strategy, etc. FXCM aims to provide clients with the best execution available and to get all orders filled at the requested rate However, there are times when, due to an increase in volatility, orders may be subject to slippage Slippage most commonly occurs during fundamental news events or periods of high volatility Instances such as trade rollover 5pm EST is a known period in which the amount of liquidity tends to be limited as many liquidity providers settle transactions for that day For more information on why rollover occurs, see the section on Rollover Costs During periods such as these, your order type, quantity demanded, and specific order instructions can have an impact on the overall execution you receive. The volatility in the market may create conditions where orders are difficult to execute For instance, the price you receive in the execution of your order might be many pips away from the selected or quoted price due to market movement In this scenario, the trader is looking to execute at a certain price but in a split second, for example, the market may have moved significantly away from that price The trader s order would then be filled at the next available price for that specific order FXCM provides a number of basic and advanced order types to help clients mitigate execution risk One way to mitigate the risk associated with slippage is to utilize the Market Range Max Deviation for MT4 users feature on FXCM s Platforms The Market Range feature allows traders to specify the amount of potential slippage they are willing to accept on a market order by defining a range Zero indicates that no slippage is permitted By selecting zero on the Market Range, the trader is requesting his order to be executed only at the selected or quoted price, not any other price Traders may elect to accept a wider range of permi ssible slippage to raise the probability of having their order s executed In this scenario the order will be filled at the best price available within the specified range For instance, a client may indicate that he is willing to be filled within 2 pips of his requested order price The system would then fill the client within the acceptable range in this instance, 2 pips if sufficient liquidity exists If the order cannot be filled within the specified range, the order will not be filled Please note, Market Range orders specify a negative range only If a more preferential rate is available at the time of execution traders are not limited by the specified range for the amount of positive price improvement they can receive. Additionally, when triggered, stop orders become a market order available for execution at the next available market price Stop orders guarantee execution but do not guarantee a particular price. When trading Forex via FXCM s dealing desk execution model, FXCM is the fina l counterparty to these transactions Therefore, FXCM is providing all liquidity for all currency prices it extends to its clients while dealing as counterparty FXCM is able to make auto execution available by limiting the max trade size of all orders to 2 million per trade. DELAYS IN EXECUTION. A delay in execution may occur using a dealing desk model for various reasons, such as technical issues with the trader s internet connection to FXCM or by a lack of available liquidity for the currency pair that trader is attempting to trade Due to inherent volatility in the markets, it is imperative that traders have a working and reliable internet connection There are circumstances when the trader s personal internet connection may not be maintaining a constant connection with the FXCM servers due to a lack of signal strength from a wireless or dialup connection A disturbance in the connection path can sometimes interrupt the signal and disable the FXCM Trading Station, causing delays in the tr ansmission of data between the trading station and the FXCM server One way to check your internet connection with FXCMs server is to ping the server from your computer. TIMEFRAME COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. FXCM endeavours to process orders within milliseconds however, there is no exact time frame for order processing. STAGES COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. When a client makes an order, FXCM first verifies the account for sufficient margin The order is then matched against quotes from liquidity providers A hedge order is then sent to the liquidity provider for execution Finally, the client s order is filled and open closed positions are updated. EXCEPTIONS COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. There may be exceptions to the typical transaction, such as delays due to abnormal order processing or malfunctions with internal or external processes In such cases, FXCM notifies clients as quickly as possible, depending on the complexity of the issue. FXCM s objective is to notify customers about these types of excep tions as quickly as possible, but the time for notification sometimes depends on the complexity of the issue under review. Trading station If abnormal market order processing occurs, the order will be highlighted in red, and the status column will indicate executed or processing, in the orders window In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending until FXCM receives confirmation from the liquidity provider that the quoted prices are still available During periods of heavy trading volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditions where there is a delay from the liquidity providers in confirming certain orders. Metatrader 4 mt4 If abnormal market order processing occurs, the order window would remain open on the trading platform and reflect processing error In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending until FXCM receives confirmation from the liquid ity provider that the quoted prices are still available During periods of heavy trading volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditions where there is a delay from the liquidity providers in confirming certain orders. RESET ORDERS. Market volatility creates conditions that make it difficult to execute orders at the given price due to an extremely high volume of orders By the time orders are able to be executed, the bid ask price at which FXCM s Trading Desk is willing to take a position may be several pips away. In cases where the liquidity pool is not large enough to fill a Market Range order, the order will not be executed For Limit Entry or Limit orders, the order would not be executed but instead reset until the order can be filled Remember, both Limit Entry and Limit orders guarantee price but do not guarantee execution Depending on the underlying trading strategy and the underlying market conditions traders may be more concerned with execution versus the price received. WIDENED SPREADS. There may be instances when spreads widen beyond the typical spread Spreads are a function of market liquidity and in periods of limited liquidity, at market open, or during rollover at 5 00 PM ET, spreads may widen in response to uncertainty in the direction of prices or to an uptick in market volatility, or lack of market liquidity It is not uncommon to see spreads widen particularly around rollover Trade rollover is typically a very quiet period in the market, since the business day in New York has just ended, and there are still a few hours before the new business day begins in Tokyo Being cognizant of these patterns and taking them into consideration while trading with open orders or placing new trades around these times can improve your trading experience This may occur during news events and spreads may widen substantially in order to compensate for the tremendous amount of volatility in the market The w idened spreads may only last a few seconds or as long as a few minutes FXCM strongly encourages traders to utilize caution when trading around news events and always be aware of their account equity, usable margin and market exposure Widened spreads can adversely affect all positions in an account including hedged positions discussed below. HANGING ORDERS. During periods of high volume, hanging orders may occur This is a condition where an order is in the process of executing but execution has not yet been confirmed The order will be highlighted in red, and the status column will indicate executed or processing, in the orders window In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending During periods of heavy trading volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditions where there is a delay in confirming certain orders. Depending on the type of order placed, outcomes may vary In the case of a Market Range order that cannot be filled within the specified range, or if the delay has passed, the order will not be executed In the case of an At Market order, every attempt will be made to fill the order at the next available price in the market In both situations, the status column in the orders window will typically indicate executed or processing The trade will simply take a few moments to move to the open positions window Depending upon the order type, the position may in fact have been executed, and the delay is simply due to heavy internet traffic. Keep in mind that it is only necessary to enter any order once Multiple entries for the same order may slow or lock your computer or inadvertently open unwanted positions. If at any time you are unable to access the FXCM Trading Station to manage your account, you may call the Trading Desk directly at 1 212-201-7300 View a full list of international contact numbers. GREYED OUT PRICING. Greyed out pricing is a condition that occurs when FXCM s Trading Desk is not actively making a market for particular currency pairs and liquidity therefore decreases FXCM does not intentionally grey out prices however, at times, a severe increase in the difference of the spread may occur due to an announcement that has a dramatic effect on the market that limits liquidity Such greying out of prices or increased spreads may result in margin calls on a traders account When an order is placed on a currency pair affected by greyed out prices, the P L will temporarily flash to zero until the pair has a tradable price and the system can calculate the P L balance. The ability to hedge allows a trader to hold both buy and sell positions in the same currency pair simultaneously Traders have the ability to enter the market without choosing a particular direction for a currency pair Although hedging may mitigate or limit future losses it does not prevent the account from being subjected to further losses altogether In the forex market a trader i s able to fully hedge by quantity but not by price This is because of the difference between the buy and sell prices, or the spread Effective, 02 December 2012, FXCM traders will be required to put up margin for one side the larger side of a hedged position Margin requirements can be monitored at all times in the simple dealing rates window While the ability to hedge is an appealing feature, traders should be aware of the following factors that may affect hedged positions. DIMINISHING MARGIN. A margin call may occur even when an account is fully hedged, since spreads may widen, causing the remaining margin in the account to diminish Should the remaining margin be insufficient to maintain any open positions, the account may sustain a margin call, closing out any open positions in the account Although maintaining a long and short position may give the trader the impression that his exposure to the market s movement is limited, if insufficient available margin exists and spreads widen for a ny period of time, it may certainly result in a margin call on all positions. ROLLOVER COSTS. Rollover is the simultaneous closing and opening of a position at a particular point during the day in order to avoid the settlement and delivery of the purchased currency This term also refers to the interest either charged or applied to a trader s account for positions held overnight, meaning after 5 p m ET on FXCM s Platforms The time at which positions are closed and reopened, and the rollover fee is debited or credited, is commonly referred to as Trade Rollover TRO It is important to note that rollover charges will be higher than rollover accruals When all positions are hedged in an account, although the overall net position may be flat, the account can still sustain losses due to the spread that occurs at the time rollover occurs Spreads during rollover may be wider when compared to other time periods because of FXCM s Trading Desk momentarily coming offline to settle the day s transaction s. EXCHANGE RATE FLUCTUATIONS PIP COSTS. Exchange rate fluctuations, or pip costs, are defined as the value given to a pip movement for a particular currency pair This cost is the currency amount that will be gained or lost with each pip movement of the currency pair s rate and will be denominated in the currency denomination of the account in which the pair is being traded On the FXCM Platforms, the pip cost for all currency pairs can be found by selecting View, followed by Dealing Views, and then by clicking Simple Rates to apply the checkmark next to it If Simple Rates already has a check mark next to it, viewing the dealing rates in the simple view is as easy as clicking the Simple Dealing Rates tab in the dealing rates window Once visible, the simple rates view will display the pip cost on the right-hand side of the window. INVERTED SPREADS. When trading Forex with FXCM s dealing desk execution model, all quotable prices are provided by our Trading Desk FXCM s Trading Desk may rely on various third party sources for the prices that it makes available to clients In the event that a manifest misquoted price is provided to us from a source that we generally rely on, all trades executed on that manifest misquoted price may be revoked, as the manifest misquoted price is not representative of genuine market activity These manifest misquoted prices can lead to an inversion in the spread. HOLIDAY WEEKEND EXECUTION. TRADING DESK HOURS. The trading desk opens on Sundays between 5 00 PM ET and 5 15 PM ET The trading desk closes on Fridays at 4 55 PM ET Please note that orders placed prior may be filled until 5 00 p m ET and that traders placing trades between 4 55 p m and 5 00 p m ET may be unable to cancel orders pending execution In the event that a Market GTC Order is submitted right at market close, the possibility exists that it may not be executed until Sunday market open Please use caution when trading around Friday s market close and factor all the information described above into any trading decision The open or close times may be altered by the Trading Desk because it relies on prices being offered by third party sources Outside of these hours, most of the major world banks and financial centres are closed The lack of liquidity and volume during the weekend impedes execution and price delivery. PRICES UPDATING BEFORE THE OPEN. Shortly prior to the open, the Trading Desk refreshes rates to reflect current market pricing in preparation for the open At this time, trades and orders held over the weekend are subject to execution Quotes during this time are not executable for new market orders After the open, traders may place new trades, and cancel or modify existing orders. Sunday s opening prices may or may not be the same as Friday s closing prices At times, the prices on the Sunday open are near where the prices were on the Friday close At other times, there may be a significant difference between Friday s close and Sunday s open The market may gap if t here is a significant news announcement or an economic event changing how the market views the value of a currency Traders holding positions or orders over the weekend should be fully comfortable with the potential of the market to gap. ORDER EXECUTION. Limit orders are often filled at the requested price or better If the price requested or a better price is not available in the market, the order will not be filled If the requested price of a Stop order is reached at the open of the market on Sunday, the order will become a Market order Limit Entry orders are filled the same way as Limit orders Stop Entry orders are filled the same way as Stops. WEEKEND RISK. Traders who fear that the markets may be extremely volatile over the weekend, that gapping may occur, or that the potential for weekend risk is not appropriate for their trading style, may simply close out orders and positions ahead of the weekend It is imperative that traders who hold open positions over the weekend understand that t he potential exists for major economic events and news announcements to affect the value of your underlying positions Given the volatility expressed in the markets it is not uncommon for prices to be a number of pips away on market open from market close We encourage all traders to take this into consideration before making a trading decision. MARGIN CALLS AND CLOSE OUTS. Margin calls are triggered when your usable margin falls below zero This occurs when your floating losses reduce your account equity to a level that is less than your margin requirement Therefore, the result of any margin call is subsequent liquidation unless otherwise specified. The idea of margin trading is that your margin acts as a good faith deposit to secure the larger notional value of your position Margin trading allows traders to hold a position much larger than the actual account value FXCM s Trading Station has margin management capabilities, which allow for the use of leverage Of course, trading on margin com es with risk as leverage may work against you as much as it works for you If account equity falls below margin requirements, the FXCM Trading Station will trigger an order to close all open positions When positions have been over-leveraged or trading losses are incurred to the point that insufficient equity exists to maintain current open positions and the account s usable margin falls below zero, a margin call will result and all open positions will be closed out liquidated. Please keep in mind that when the account s usable margin falls below zero, all open positions are triggered to close The liquidation process is designed to be entirely electronic. Although the margin call feature is designed to close positions when account equity falls below the margin requirements, there may be instances when liquidity does not exist at the exact margin call rate As a result, account equity can fall below margin requirements at the time orders are filled, even to the point where account equity bec omes negative FXCM recommends that traders use Stop orders to limit downside risk in lieu of using a margin call as a final stop. It is strongly advised that clients maintain the appropriate amount of margin in their accounts at all times Margin requirements may be changed based on account size, simultaneous open positions, trading style, market conditions, and at the discretion of FXCM. METATRADER 4.Please note that MT4 users are subject to different margin call procedures When a margin call is triggered on the account individual positions will be liquidated until the remaining equity is sufficient to support existing position s In deciding what positions will be individually liquidated the largest losing position will be closed first during liquidation. CHART PRICING VS PRICES DISPLAYED ON THE PLATFORM. It is important to make a distinction between indicative prices displayed on charts and dealable prices displayed on the platforms, such as Trading Station and MetaTrader 4 Indicative quo tes are those that offer an indication of the prices in the market, and the rate at which they are changing These prices are derived from a host of contributors such as banks and clearing firms, which may or may not reflect where FXCM s liquidity providers are making prices Indicative prices are usually very close to dealing prices, but they only give an indication of where the market is Executable quotes ensure finer execution and thus a reduced transaction cost Because the spot forex market lacks a single central exchange where all transactions are conducted, each forex dealer may quote slightly different prices Therefore, any prices displayed by a third party charting provider, which does not employ the market maker s price feed, will reflect indicative prices and not necessarily actual dealing prices where trades can be executed. MOBILE TRADING PLATFORMS. There are a series of inherent risks with the use of the mobile trading technology such as the duplication of order instructions, latency in the prices provided, and other issues that are a result of mobile connectivity Prices displayed on the mobile platform are solely an indication of the executable rates and may not reflect the actual executed price of the order. Mobile TS II utilizes public communication network circuits for the transmission of messages FXCM shall not be liable for any and all circumstances in which you experience a delay in price quotation or an inability to trade caused by network circuit transmission problems or any other problems outside the direct control of FXCM Transmission problems include but are not limited to the strength of the mobile signal, cellular latency, or any other issues that may arise between you and any internet service provider, phone service provider, or any other service provider. It is strongly recommended that clients familiarise themselves with the functionality of the FXCM Mobile Trading Station prior to managing a live account via portable device. TS MOBILE TABLET APPLICATION. FXCM s Trading Station Web platform has been modified to run on mobile and tablet devices The mobile platform for tablets is called Trading Station Mobile and has the same trading features as Trading Station Web The same connectivity risks described above regarding our Mobile TS II apply to use with any application made available for tablet trading. CFD Execution. HIGH RISK INVESTMENT. Trading Contracts for Difference CFD S on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors Before deciding to trade these products offered by Forex Capital Markets, Limited FXCM you should carefully consider your objectives, financial situation, needs and level of experience Forex Capital Markets, Limited is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority FCA Registration No 217689 FXCM maintains its registered office at Northern and Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames Street, 8th Floor, London EC3R 6AD FXCM may provide general commentary without regard t o your objectives, financial situation or needs General advice given, or the content of this website are not intended to be personal advice and should not be construed as such The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss in excess of your deposited funds You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading on margin FXCM recommends you seek advice from an independent financial advisor. FXCM MARKET OPINIONS. Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices, or other information contained on this website is provided as general market commentary, and does not constitute investment advice FXCM will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. INTERNET TRADING RISKS. There are risks associated with utilising an internet-based deal-execution trading system including, but not limited to, the failure of hardware, software, and internet connection Si nce FXCM does not control signal power, its reception or routing via the internet, configuration of your equipment or reliability of its connection, we cannot be responsible for communication failures, distortions or delays when trading via the internet FXCM employs backup systems and contingency plans to minimise the possibility of system failure, which includes allowing clients to trade via telephone. CFD EXECUTION MODEL. Contract for Difference products are generally subject to dealing desk execution FXCM reserves the right to switch a client s execution to No Dealing Desk without prior consent from client, for any reason, including but not limited to, the product being traded, trading style of client, or volume traded FXCM does not generally execute CFD orders with an external counterparty FXCM is the final counterparty for most CFD positions which you undertake Please note that as the final counterparty FXCM may receive compensation beyond our standard fixed mark-up FXCM makes price s for the CFD instruments it offers to its clients Although these prices may be indicative of the underlying market for the product being traded, they do not represent the actual prices of the underlying asset on the physical market or exchange where it is listed. As dealer, FXCM accumulates exposure for the products we deal to you As such, FXCM may take steps to mitigate risk accumulated during the market making process Therefore, FXCM provides automatic execution of all orders submitted for execution up to a certain amount In the event that you exhibit behaviours that prevent FXCM from mitigating exposure, we may, in our sole discretion remove you from participation of auto execution Removal from auto execution means that each order will be confirmed by a dealer before it is processed to ensure that we are able to mitigate any market risk. In the case that FXCM provides execution for CFD s through a straight through processing, or No Dealing Desk execution model, FXCM passes on to its clients the best prices that are provided by one of FXCM s liquidity providers with a fixed mark-up for each product In this model, FXCM does not act as a market marker and is reliant on liquidity providers for pricing and there are certain limitations to liquidity that can affect the final execution of your order. For more information on the CFD execution model, read the CFD FAQs. FXCM aims to provide clients with the best execution available and to get all orders filled at the requested rate However, there are times when, due to an increase in volatility or volume, orders may be subject to slippage Slippage most commonly occurs during fundamental news events or periods of limited liquidity Instances such as trade rollover 5pm EST is a known period in which the amount of liquidity tends to be limited as many liquidity providers settle transactions for that day For more information on why rollover occurs, see the section on Rollover Costs During periods such as these, your order type, qu antity demanded, and specific order instructions can have an impact on the overall execution you receive. Examples of specific order instructions include. Good Til Cancelled GTC Orders - Your entire order will be filled at the next available price s at the time it is received. Immediate or Cancel IOC Orders - All or part of your order will be filled at the next available price with the remaining amount cancelled should liquidity not exist to fill your order immediately. Fill or Kill FOK Orders - The order must be filled in its entirety or not at all. The volatility in the market may create conditions where orders are difficult to execute For instance, the price you receive in the execution of your order might be many pips away from the selected or quoted price due to market movement In this scenario, the trader is looking to execute at a certain price but in a split second, for example, the market may have moved significantly away from that price The trader s order would then be filled at t he next price available price for that specific order Similarly, given FXCM s models for execution, sufficient liquidity must exist to execute all trades at any price. FXCM provides a number of basic and advanced order types to help clients mitigate execution risk One way to mitigate the risk associated with slippage is to utilize the Market Range Max Deviation for MT4 users feature on FXCM s Platforms The Market Range feature allows traders to specify the amount of potential slippage they are willing to accept on a market order by defining a range Zero indicates that no slippage is permitted By selecting zero on the Market Range, the trader is requesting his order to be executed only at the selected or quoted price, not any other price Traders may elect to accept a wider range of permissible slippage to raise the probability of having their order s executed In this scenario the order will be filled at the best price available within the specified range For instance, a client may indica te that he is willing to be filled within 2 pips of his requested order price The system would then fill the client within the acceptable range in this instance, 2 pips if sufficient liquidity exists If the order cannot be filled within the specified range, the order will not be filled Please note, Market Range orders specify a negative range only If a more preferential rate is available at the time of execution traders are not limited by the specified range for the amount of positive price improvement they can receive. Additionally, when triggered, stop orders become a market order available for execution at the next available market price Stop orders guarantee execution but do not guarantee a particular price Therefore, stop orders may incur slippage depending on market conditions. When trading Forex via FXCM s dealing desk execution model, FXCM is the final counterparty to these transactions Therefore, FXCM is providing all liquidity for all currency prices it extends to its clients w hile dealing as counterparty FXCM is able to make auto execution available by limiting the max trade size of all orders to 2 million per trade. In addition to the order type, a trader must consider the availability of the instrument prior to making any trading decision As in all financial markets, some instruments within that market will have greater depth of liquidity than others Ample liquidity allows the trader to seamlessly enter or exit positions, near immediacy of execution, and minimal slippage during normal market conditions However, certain products have more liquid markets than others. DELAYS IN EXECUTION. A delay in execution may occur for various reasons, such as technical issues with the trader s internet connection to FXCM or by a lack of available liquidity for the instrument that the trader is attempting to trade Due to inherent volatility in the markets, it is imperative that traders have a working and reliable internet connection There are circumstances when the trader s personal internet connection may not be maintaining a constant connection with the FXCM servers due to a lack of signal strength from a wireless or dialup connection A disturbance in the connection path can sometimes interrupt the signal and disable the FXCM Trading Station, causing delays in the transmission of data between the trading station and the FXCM server One way to check your internet connection with FXCMs server is to ping the server from your computer. TIMEFRAME COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. FXCM endeavours to process orders within milliseconds however, there is no exact time frame for order processing. STAGES COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. With DD Execution, when a client makes an order, FXCM can match against quotes from liquidity providers A hedge order can be sent to the liquidity provider for execution Finally, the client s order is filled and open closed positions are updated. With DD Execution, FXCM can hedge an order against current exposure or fill it in with our own liquidit y book. EXCEPTIONS COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. There may be exceptions to the typical transaction, such as delays due to abnormal order processing or malfunctions with internal or external processes In such cases, FXCM notifies clients as quickly as possible, depending on the complexity of the issue. FXCM s objective is to notify customers about these types of exceptions as quickly as possible, but the time for notification sometimes depends on the complexity of the issue under review. Trading station If abnormal market order processing occurs, the order will be highlighted in red, and the status column will indicate executed or processing, in the orders window In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending until FXCM receives confirmation from the liquidity provider that the quoted prices are still available During periods of heavy trading volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditi ons where there is a delay from the liquidity providers in confirming certain orders. Metatrader 4 mt4 If abnormal market order processing occurs, the order window would remain open on the trading platform and reflect processing error In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending until FXCM receives confirmation from the liquidity provider that the quoted prices are still available During periods of heavy trading volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditions where there is a delay from the liquidity providers in confirming certain orders. RESET ORDERS. Market volatility creates conditions that make it difficult to execute orders at the given price due to an extremely high volume of orders By the time orders are able to be executed, the bid ask price may be several pips away. There may be cases where a Market Range order is not executed due to a lack of liquidity or the inability t o act as counterparty to your trade For Limit Entry or Limit orders, the order would not be executed but instead reset until the order can be filled Remember, both Limit Entry and Limit orders guarantee price but do not guarantee execution Depending on the underlying trading strategy and the underlying market conditions traders may be more concerned with execution versus the price received. Depending on the type of order placed, outcomes may vary In the case of a Market Range order that cannot be filled within the specified range, or if the delay has passed, the order will not be executed In the case of an At Market order, every attempt will be made to fill the order at the next available price in the market In both situations, the status column in the orders window will typically indicate executed or processing The trade will simply take a few moments to move to the open positions window Depending upon the order type, the position may in fact have been executed, and the delay is simply due to heavy internet traffic. Keep in mind that it is only necessary to enter any order once Multiple entries for the same order may slow or lock your computer or inadvertently open unwanted positions. If at any time you are unable to access the FXCM Trading Station to manage your account, you may call the Trading Desk directly at 1 212-201-7300 View a full list of international contact numbers. GREYED OUT PRICING. Greyed out pricing is a condition that occurs when FXCM s Trading Desk or liquidity provider that supplies pricing to FXCM is not actively making a market for particular instruments and liquidity therefore decreases FXCM does not intentionally grey out prices however, at times, a severe increase in the difference of the spread may occur due to an announcement that has a dramatic effect on the market that limits liquidity Such greying out of prices or increased spreads may result in margin calls on a traders account When an order is placed on an instrument affected by greyed ou t prices, the P L will temporarily flash to zero until the pair has a tradable price and the system can calculate the P L balance. The ability to hedge allows a trader to hold both buy and sell positions in the same instrument simultaneously Traders have the ability to enter the market without choosing a particular direction Although hedging may mitigate or limit future losses it does not prevent the account from being subjected to further losses altogether FXCM traders are required to put up margin for one side the larger side of a hedged position Margin requirements can be monitored at all times in the simple dealing rates window While the ability to hedge is an appealing feature, traders should be aware of the following factors that may affect hedged positions. DIMINISHING MARGIN. A margin call may occur even when an account is fully hedged, since spreads may widen, causing the remaining margin in the account to diminish Should the remaining margin be insufficient to maintain any open positions, the account may sustain a margin call, closing out any open positions in the account Although maintaining a long and short position may give the trader the impression that his exposure to the market s movement is limited, if insufficient available margin exists and spreads widen for any period of time, it may certainly result in a margin call on all positions. ROLLOVER COSTS. Rollover is the simultaneous closing and opening of a position at a particular point during the day in order to avoid the settlement and delivery of the purchased currency This term also refers to the interest either charged or applied to a trader s account for positions held overnight, meaning after 5 p m ET on FXCM s Platforms The time at which positions are closed and reopened, and the rollover fee is debited or credited, is commonly referred to as Trade Rollover TRO It is important to note that rollover charges will be higher than rollover accruals When all positions are hedged in an account, although the overall net position may be flat, the account can still sustain losses due to the spread that occurs at the time rollover occurs Spreads during rollover may be wider when compared to other time periods because of FXCM s Trading Desk or liquidity providers momentarily coming offline to settle the day s transactions. EXCHANGE RATE FLUCTUATIONS PIP COSTS. Exchange rate fluctuations, or pip costs, are defined as the value given to a pip movement for a particular instrument This cost is the currency amount that will be gained or lost with each pip movement of the instrument s rate and will be denominated in the currency denomination of the account in which the pair is being traded On the FXCM Platforms, the pip cost can be found by selecting View, followed by Dealing Views, and then by clicking Simple Rates to apply the checkmark next to it If Simple Rates already has a check mark next to it, viewing the dealing rates in the simple view is as easy as clicking the Simple Dealing Rates tab in the dealing rates window Once visible, the simple rates view will display the pip cost on the right-hand side of the window. INVERTED SPREADS. FXCM s Trading Desk may rely on various third party sources for the prices that it makes available to clients In the event that a manifest misquoted price is provided to us from a source that we generally rely, all trades executed on that manifest misquoted price may be revoked, as the manifest misquoted price is not representative of genuine market activity These manifest misquoted prices can lead to an inversion in the spread. HOLIDAY WEEKEND EXECUTION. TRADING DESK HOURS. The hours for each CFD are determined by FXCM s Trading Desk based on the schedule for trading on the exchange for the underlying market, commodity, or asset. Please refer to the CFD Product Guide for specific hours for each instrument. FXCM aims to open markets as close to the posted trading hours as possible However, liquidity at or around market open close for any CFD instru ment can be very thin FXCM may delay market open on specific instruments by several minutes to protect clients from quoted prices that are not representative of the true market price Traders are advised to use extreme caution during these periods and to utilize FXCM s basic and advanced orders types to mitigate execution risk Based on the illiquidity illustrated during these time periods traders using market orders can experience slippage, or gapping in prices that can have a material impact on your final execution price. PRICES UPDATING BEFORE THE OPEN. Shortly prior to the open, the Trading Desk refreshes rates to reflect current market pricing in preparation for the open At this time, trades and orders held over the weekend are subject to execution Quotes during this time are not executable for new market orders After the open, traders may place new trades, and cancel or modify existing orders. There is a substantial risk that stop-loss orders left to protect open positions held overni ght may be executed at levels significantly worse than their specified pricemensurate with the opening closing of the market for the underlying instrument, CFD traders may experience gaps in market prices Due to the volatility expressed during these time periods, trading at the open or at the close, can involve additional risk and must be factored into any trading decision These time periods are specifically mentioned because they are associated with the lowest levels of market liquidity and can be followed by significant movements in prices for both the CFD, and the underlying instrument. ORDER EXECUTION. Limit orders are often filled at the requested price or better If the price requested or a better price is not available in the market, the order will not be filled If the requested price of a Stop order is reached at the open of the market on Sunday, the order will become a Market order Limit Entry orders are filled the same way as Limit orders Stop Entry orders are filled the same wa y as Stops. WEEKEND RISK. Traders who fear that the markets may be extremely volatile over the weekend, that gapping may occur, or that the potential for weekend risk is not appropriate for their trading style, may simply close out orders and positions ahead of the weekend It is imperative that traders who hold open positions over the weekend understand that the potential exists for major economic events and news announcements to affect the value of your underlying positions Given the volatility expressed in the markets it is not uncommon for prices to be a number of pips away on market open from market close We encourage all traders to take this into consideration before making a trading decision. MARGIN CALLS AND CLOSE OUTS. Margin calls are triggered when your usable margin falls below zero This occurs when your floating losses reduce your account equity to a level that is less than your margin requirement Therefore, the result of any margin call is subsequent liquidation unless otherwi se specified. FXCM process all liquidations for CFD products automatically Open and close times for the underlying reference market are determined by the exchange, or third party execution venue, and not by FXCM If the client s liquidation event is triggered during the period when the underlying reference market is closed, it may be necessary for the FXCM Trading Desk to wait until the underlying reference market re-opens before liquidation of the CFD positions can be finalized Depending on market conditions, this could mean that the final price the client receives is a significant number of points away from the price that triggered the client s liquidation If the clients account contains open positions for both CFD and forex at the time liquidation is triggered it is possible that only the client s forex positions will be liquidated This would only occur in situations where the underlying reference market for the client s CFD positions is closed, and the liquidation of the client s for ex positions satisfies the liquidation requirement. METATRADER 4.Please note that MT4 users are subject to different margin call procedures When a margin call is triggered on the account individual positions will be liquidated until the remaining equity is sufficient to support existing position s In deciding what positions will be individually liquidated the largest losing position will be closed first during liquidation. CHART PRICING VS PRICES DISPLAYED ON THE PLATFORM. It is important to make a distinction between indicative prices displayed on charts and dealable prices displayed on the platforms, such as Trading Station and MetaTrader 4 Indicative quotes are those that offer an indication of the prices in the market, and the rate at which they are changing These prices are derived from a host of contributors such as banks and clearing firms, which may or may not reflect where FXCM s liquidity providers are making prices Indicative prices are usually very close to dealing prices, but they only give an indication of where the market is Executable quotes ensure finer execution and thus a reduced transaction cost Because the spot forex market lacks a single central exchange where all transactions are conducted, each forex dealer may quote slightly different prices Therefore, any prices displayed by a third party charting provider, which does not employ the market maker s price feed, will reflect indicative prices and not necessarily actual dealing prices where trades can be executed. MOBILE TRADING PLATFORMS. There are a series of inherent risks with the use of the mobile trading technology such as the duplication of order instructions, latency in the prices provided, and other issues that are a result of mobile connectivity Prices displayed on the mobile platform are solely an indication of the executable rates and may not reflect the actual executed price of the order. Mobile TS II utilizes public communication network circuits for the transmission of messages FXCM sh all not be liable for any and all circumstances in which you experience a delay in price quotation or an inability to trade caused by network circuit transmission problems or any other problems outside the direct control of FXCM Transmission problems include but are not limited to the strength of the mobile signal, cellular latency, or any other issues that may arise between you and any internet service provider, phone service provider, or any other service provider. Please note some features of the FXCM Trading Station will not be available on the FXCM Mobile Trading Station Key differences include, but are not limited to, charting packages, daily interest rolls will not appear, and the maintenance margin requirement per financial instrument will not be available It is strongly recommended that clients familiarise themselves with the functionality of the FXCM Mobile Trading Station prior to managing a live account via portable device. TS MOBILE TABLET APPLICATION. FXCM s Trading Station Web platform has been modified to run on mobile and tablet devices The mobile platform is called Trading Station Mobile With the exception of OCO orders one-cancels-other , Trading Station Mobile for tablet devices has the same trading features as Trading Station Web The same connectivity risks described above regarding our Mobile TS II apply to use with any application made available for tablet trading. FXCM MetaTrader 4 Execution. Individuals should review the information below carefully which details the differences regarding execution, trading features, and platform settings specific to the FXCM MT4 platform. Trade Execution. Orders to open and close trades, as well as take profit TP orders execute Fill or Kill These orders only execute if they can fill in their entirety at the requested price These orders cannot be broken up and filled at multiple prices. In the event that sufficient liquidity is not immediately available to execute a Fill or Kill order in its entirety, execution cease s. Stop Loss SL orders, and orders submitted due to margin call do not execute Fill or Kill These orders do fill in their entirety at the same price however, execution will not cease if sufficient liquidity is not immediately available Execution will continue until a price becomes available to fill the entire order. The maximum number of open orders is capped at 500 individual orders per account This restriction includes both open orders and pending orders The MT4 platform will display an error message if traders attempt to open more than 500 individual orders Stop Losses and Take Profits are exempt from this restriction. Margin Call. The margin call policy for FXCM MetaTrader 4 accounts is different from all other FXCM accounts When a margin call occurs, trades will be closed one by one until Free Margin is greater than zero. Interest rates are not displayed on the MetaTrader 4 Platform however, traders will pay or accrue interest in accordance with the current FXCM rates To obtain the rol lover rates traders can view them on the FXCM Trading Station II platform or call FXCM customer service for current rates Please be advised that interest rates are provided to FXCM by multiple liquidity providers Every effort is made to display rollover rates one day in advance on the FXCM Trading Station II However, during times of extreme market volatility, rates may change intraday. Any positions that are open at 5 p m ET sharp are considered to be held overnight, and are subject to rollover A position opened at 5 01 p m is not subject to rollover until the next day, while a position opened at 4 59 p m is subject to rollover at 5 p m ET. Expert Advisor. Expert Advisor s EA are automated trading tools that can perform all or part of a trading strategy While FXCM offers proprietary EAs, there are others developed by third parties FXCM does not vouch for the accuracy or reliability provided by the EAs not in its control Traders utilizing an EA do so at their own risk Additionally, many EA s employ the use of micro lots and do not account for fractional pip pricing On the FXCM MetaTrader 4 platform the smallest lot size increment is 1k and fractional pips are used Prior to trading, please contact your EA provider to discuss the lot sizes used in the program and any potential issues that may arise from fractional pip pricing. Max Deviation. With FXCM MetaTrader 4, all orders execute using instant execution This MetaTrader 4 execution type enables the maximum deviation max deviation feature. The maximum deviation feature was designed to control slippage - both negative and positive - in the following way When creating an order, a number is specified in tenths of a pip 0 in the max deviation field This number is the maximum amount of slippage the order can receive If the market price moves beyond this amount while the order is executing, the order will cancel automatically This is how the maximum deviation feature was designed to function. FXCM trading policy allows for unlimi ted positive slippage on all order types Therefore, FXCM has developed a way to override the restriction that the maximum deviation feature places on positive slippage All orders placed on the FXCM MetaTrader 4 platform fill with the greatest amount of positive slippage possible. In the event that an order fills with positive slippage beyond the maximum deviation the platform logs a message in the Journal tab The message has the following format - Positive Slippage - is the positive slippage the order received beyond the maximum deviation. If the market price moves negatively beyond the maximum deviation, the order cancels automatically When this occurs, an Off Quotes message is displayed This is a standard MetaTrader 4 message notifying the user that an order canceled because the market price deviated beyond the order setting. Please note dependent upon market conditions, a lower maximum deviation amount can increase the likelihood that an order will be rejected due to the market price m oving outside of the maximum deviation. Pending Orders. You cannot use a pending order to close a trade or a portion of it Pending orders can only be used to open new trades For example, assume that an account is long 0 2 EUR USD A trader then creates a pending order to sell 0 1 EUR USD If the pending order price is reached, the order will trigger for execution However, because the pending order is attempting to trade in the opposite direction of the existing long trade, the pending order will automatically cancel, leaving the long trade unaffected. When closing a trade, MetaTrader 4 users can use stop loss and take profit orders as an alternative to pending orders. Cross-Platform Compatibility. FXCM MetaTrader 4 login credentials grant a user with access to the FXCM Trading Station platforms Therefore, FXCM MetaTrader 4 account holders can place and manage trades and orders through the FXCM Trading Station platforms Account details for retail clients e g orders, trades, P L, margin, equity will match on all of these platforms and their statement of records However, please note that some functionality available on the FXCM Trading Station platforms may not be available on the FXCM MetaTrader 4 platform. FXCM MetaTrader 4.FXCM MetaTrader 4 allows for order sizes up to 50 million per trade Traders have the ability to trade incremental sizes multiple orders of 50 million for the same pair The FXCM MetaTrader 4 Platform does not show pip costs The potential exists for variations in pricing displayed between servers These differences do not have an impact on prices available for execution but can impact the prices used to trigger resting orders. FXCM MetaTrader 4 Server Information. Under rare circumstances it may be necessary to type in a server address when logging into FXCM MetaTrader 4 A list of FXCM s MT4 server names and addresses has been provided below So long as you download FXCM MetaTrader 4 here and install it on your computer or VPS, you will not need these server ad dresses. If you need to enter the server address when logging in, be sure to use the one that corresponds to the server name that your account is assigned to As an example, if your account s server name is MT4USDREAL01, you would use. TIMEFRAME COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. FXCM endeavours to process orders within milliseconds however, there is no exact time frame for order processing. STAGES COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. With DD Execution, when a client makes an order, FXCM can match against quotes from liquidity providers A hedge order can be sent to the liquidity provider for execution Finally, the client s order is filled and open closed positions are updated. With DD Execution, FXCM can hedge an order against current exposure or fill it in with our own liquidity book. EXCEPTIONS COMPLETION OF TRANSACTION. There may be exceptions to the typical transaction, such as delays due to abnormal order processing or malfunctions with internal or external processes In such cases, FXCM notifies clients as quickly as possible, depending on the complexity of the issue. FXCM s objective is to notify customers about these types of exceptions as quickly as possible, but the time for notification sometimes depends on the complexity of the issue under review. Trading station If abnormal market order processing occurs, the order will be highlighted in red, and the status column will indicate executed or processing, in the orders window In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending until FXCM receives confirmation from the liquidity provider that the quoted prices are still available During periods of heavy trading volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditions where there is a delay from the liquidity providers in confirming certain orders. Metatrader 4 mt4 If abnormal market order processing occurs, the order window would remain open on the trading platform and reflect processing error In these instances, the order is in the process of being executed, but is pending until FXCM receives confirmation from the liquidity provider that the quoted prices are still available During periods of heavy trading volume, it is possible that a queue of orders will form That increase in incoming orders may sometimes create conditions where there is a delay from the liquidity providers in confirming certain orders. Risk Warning Our service includes products that are traded on margin and carry a risk of losses in excess of your deposited funds The products may not be suitable for all investors Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved. High Risk Investment Warning Trading foreign exchange and or contracts for differences on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss in excess of your deposited funds Before deciding to trade the products offered by FXCM you should carefully consider yo उर उद्देश्यों, वित्तीय स्थिति, जरूरतों और अनुभव का स्तर आपको मार्जिन पर ट्रेडिंग के साथ जुड़े सभी जोखिमों से अवगत होना चाहिए FXCM सामान्य सलाह प्रदान करता है जो आपके उद्देश्यों, वित्तीय स्थिति या आवश्यकताओं को ध्यान में नहीं रखता है इस वेबसाइट की सामग्री का अर्थ नहीं होना चाहिए व्यक्तिगत सलाह के रूप में एफएक्ससीएम आपको एक अलग वित्तीय सलाहकार से सलाह लेना चाहती है। कृपया पूरी जोखिम की चेतावनी पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें। पूंजीगत बाजार लिमिटेड एफएक्ससीएम लिमिटेड सामूहिक रूप से कंपनियों के एफएक्ससीएम ग्रुप के भीतर एक ऑपरेटिंग सहायक है, इस साइट पर एफएक्ससीएम समूह सभी संदर्भ एफएक्ससीएम एफएक्ससीएम ग्रुप को देखें। विदेशी मुद्रा पूंजी बाजार लिमिटेड वित्तीय आचरण प्राधिकरण पंजीकरण संख्या 217689.Tax उपचार द्वारा यूनाइटेड किंगडम में अधिकृत और विनियमित है आपकी वित्तीय सट्टेबाजी गतिविधियों का यूके कर उपचार आपके व्यक्तिगत परिस्थितियों पर निर्भर करता है और यह परिवर्तन के अधीन हो सकता है भविष्य में, या अन्य न्यायालयों में भिन्न हो सकता है। कॉपीराइट 2017 विदेशी मुद्रा पूंजी बाजार सभी अधिकार Res erved. Northern Shell Building, 10 Lower Thames Street, 8th Floor, London EC3R 6AD Company incorporated in England Wales No 04072877 with registered office as above. We use cookies to enhance the performance and functionality of our site, which ultimately improves your browsing experience By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies You may change your cookie settings at any time Learn More. Your browser is out of date. Why Us From the latest technology to protecting your funds, see why we re the best trading partner. Regulatory Authorisation Admiral Markets UK Ltd is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in UK. Contact Us Leave feedback, ask questions, drop by our office or simply call us. News Check out most recent news about our company, events, trading condtions more. Testimonials See feedback we get from clients who trade Forex CFD on our real accounts. Partnership Enhance your profitability with Admiral Markets - your trusted and preferred trading partne r. Careers We are always on the lookout to add new talent to our international team. Our team Admiral Markets puts you first Learn who we are, what we do and match faces to the names of our helpful, friendly team. Order execution quality Read about our technologies and see our monthly execution quality report. Account Types Choose an account that suits you best and start trading today. Demo Account A demo account allows you to experience risk-free Forex CFDs trading and test your strategies on the financial market. Documents Familiarize yourself with our business practices, account opening procedures documents. Deposits Withdrawals See how to deposit or withdraw funds from your trading account. Trading Calculator Calculate your margin, profit or loss compare results of your Forex CFD trades prior to trading. MetaTrader 4 Download MetaTrader 4, the most powerful and user-friendly platform for Forex CFDs trading. MT4 Supreme Edition Download MT4 Supreme Edition - an intuitive platform for Forex CF D trading Learn more about this plugin and its innovative features. MT4 WebTrader Use MT4 web trading with any computer or browser no download necessary. MetaTrader 5 Download MetaTrader 5, the new and improved platfrom for Forex CFDs trading. Fundamental Analysis Economic events influence the market in many ways Find out how upcoming events are likely to impact your positions. Technical Analysis Charts may show the trend, but analysis of indicators and patterns by experts forecast them See what the statistics say. Wave Analysis Determine likely price zones following wave patterns based on extremes in trader s psychology with Elliot wave analysis. Forex Calendar This tool helps traders keep track of important financial announcements that may affect the economy and price movements. Autochartist Helps you set market-appropriate exit levels by understanding expected volatility, impact of economic events on the market and much more. Trader s Blog Follow our blog to get the latest market updates fr om professional traders. Market Heat Map See who are the top daily movers Movement on the market always attracts interest from the trading community. Market Sentiment Those widgets help you see the correlation between long and short positions held by other traders. Forex CFD Webinars Tune in and watch experts cover trading-related topics Learn the basics or get weekly expert insights. FAQ Get your answers to the frequently asked questions about our services and financial trading. Trader s Glossary Financial markets have their own lingo Learn the terms, because misunderstanding can cost you money. Forex CFD Seminars Expand your Forex and CFD trading knowledge, by joining one of our seminars Held by trading professionals. Risk Management Risk management can prevent large losses in Forex and CFD trading Learn best-practice risk and trade management, for successful Forex and CFD trades. Articles Tutorials From Forex and CFD basics to advanced trading topics, this sections offers you useful trading insights. Zero to Hero Start your road to improvement today Our free Zero to Hero program will navigate you through the maze of Forex trading. Admiral Club Earn cash rewards on your Forex and CFD trading with Admiral Club points. ForexBall The trading contest with a yearly prize pool of 541,000 Play for fun, learn for real with this trading championship. Personal Offer If you are willing to trade with us, we are willing to make you a competitive offer. Forex risk management. Forex risk management is one of the most debated topics in trading On one hand, traders want to reduce the size of a potential loss, but on the other hand, such traders also want to benefit by getting the most out of a single trade It s no secret that in order to gain the highest returns you need to take greater risks This is where the question of proper risk management arises. What is Forex risk. The Forex market is one of the biggest financial markets on the planet, with everyday transactions totalling more than 1 4 tri llion US dollars Banks, financial establishments and individual investors therefore have the potential to make huge profits and losses. Forex trade risk is simply the potential loss or profit which happens as a result of a change in exchange rates To minimise the likelihood of financial loss, each investor needs to have in place some Forex risk management actions, strategies and precautions. How will this article help you. A lot of people today are engaged with trading activities in the foreign exchange market However, most of them are not in a position to make the profits that they expect Some traders will lose all of their money, while some fail to get the results they expected In fact, only a small share of traders are ever able to meet or even surpass their expectations The Forex market is constantly changing and this brings great risks that all traders have to work with Therefore, the topic of Forex trading risk control is an increasingly popular subject amongst Forex traders In this article, we will discuss Forex trading risk management and how to manage Forex risk when trading This can help you avoid loss and completely engage in your trading activities without worrymon mistakes in managing risk in Forex trading. One of the fundamental ground rules of risk management in Forex market is that you should never risk more than you can afford to lose That being said, this mistake is extremely common, especially amongst Forex traders just starting out The Forex market is highly unpredictable, so traders who are willing to put in more than they can actually afford make themselves very vulnerable to Forex risks Anything can affect the Forex market - the smallest piece of news can affect the price of a particular currency in a negative or positive way Instead of going all in, it is better to follow a more moderate path and trade conservative amounts of capital. Emotional management strategies and risk. Forex traders need to have the ability to control their emotions If you c annot control your emotions, you won t get the profits you want from trading Market sentiment can often trap traders in volatile market positions This is one of the most common Forex trading risks. Those who have a stubborn nature don t tend to perform well in the Forex market They have a tendency to wait too long to exit a position When a trader realises his mistake, he needs leave the market taking the smallest loss possible Waiting too long will cause him to end up losing substantial capital Once out, traders need to be patient and re-enter the market when a genuine opportunity presents itself. How to get better at Forex risk management. Fortunately, several methods are available to help Forex traders stay away from these mistakes and avoid loss You should have a well-tested trading plan which includes all the details about risk management in Forex The trading plan should be practical - and you should be able to follow its steps easily Experts recommend that it is better to focus on hi gher probability trades The Forex trading industry contains a high level of risk, so it isn t necessarily the best discipline for all investors You also need to be able to pay extra attention to mistakes and engage in your trading activities on the foreign exchange market The time and effort that you spend creating a trading plan is often considered as a great investment that will help towards a profitable future. Basic concepts. In order to reduce Forex trading risk, you ll need to remember some of the basic points which are listed below. The valuation of money changes and it often influences firms and people engaged with global exchanges. Liabilities, assets and money streams are influenced through changes in the exchange rates. By trading with small amounts of capital and monitoring market movements, you will be able to see these concepts take hold throughout the daily sessions. Below are a series of simple tips for Forex risk management which will help in reducing potential trading losse s. Trading without a stop-loss is similar to driving a car with no brake at maximum speed - it s not going to end well Similarly, once you ve set your stop-loss, you should never bring it down There s no point having a safety net in place if you aren t going to use it properly. Don t tie all of your investments up in one place. This is applies to all types of investment and Forex is no exception Forex should account for a portion of your portfolio, but not all of it Another way you can expand is to exchange more than one money pair. The trend is your companion. You may have made the decision to be a position trader with plans to hold that position for an extended period of time However, no matter what position you have decided upon, you shouldn t fight current market trends or movements There s always going to stronger players in the market and the best way you can keep up with them is by accommodating such changes and altering your strategies to reflect this. Keep teaching yourself. The best way to learn the risk management system in Forex and become an effective Forex trader is by knowing how the market functions However as mentioned, the market is constantly changing so if you want to stay ahead of your game you have to be willing to always learn new things and update yourself on the market s changes. Use software programs for help. To progress in Forex you may want to utilise certain trading software that can help you settle on your choices That being said, these systems aren t perfect, so it s best to use them as an advisory tool and something to fall back on rather than using them as the basis for trading decisions. Limit the use of leverage. It can be extremely tempting to use leverage to make significant profits However, this can make it much easier for you to lose huge amounts of capital too So don t take gigantic leverages All it takes is one quick change in the market and you can easily wipe out your entire trading account. Forex risk management is not hard to unders tand The tricky part is having enough self-discipline to abide by these risk management rules when the market moves against a position. Risk management for frequent traders. If you trade frequently, one of the main ways of measuring and managing your risk exposure is by looking at the correlation of your FX trades Before we begin explaining how to do that, let s first explain what correlation is. In stocks there is a common index called beta, which shows how the stock is expected to perform depending on changes in the industry Generally, when trading stocks and looking to reduce risk, a trader would try to combine the stocks that would result in a compounded beta that equals zero - as some stocks have positive beta and others have negative. There is no beta in Forex trading, but there is correlation The correlation shows us how changes within one currency pair are reflected in the changes in the other currency pair Generally, if you are trading closely correlated currencies like EUR USD an d AUD JPY , you may expect them to have a common trend In other words, whenever EUR USD goes down, you could also expect to see a downward trend in AUD JPY. So how can this help to measure Forex risk exposure We all know that risk is mainly driven by margin This is why you should mainly trade the pairs that don t have strong positive or negative correlations, as you will simply waste your margin on the pairs that result in the same, or complete opposite direction As a rule, currency correlation is also different on various time frames This is why you should look for an exact correlation on the time frame you are actually using. You can manage your Forex risks much better when paying close attention to the currency correlation, especially when it comes to Forex scalping Whenever you are engaging a scalping strategy, you have to maximise your gains over a short period of time This can only be achieved by not trapping your margins in the opposite-correlated assets. Managing your risk is vita l if you want to succeed as a Forex trader This is why you should adhere to the aforementioned principles of Forex risk management. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Risk warning Trading foreign exchange or contracts for differences on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors There is a possibility that you may sustain a loss equal to or greater than your entire investment Therefore, you should not invest or risk money that you cannot afford to lose You should ensure you understand all of the risks Before using Admiral Markets UK Ltd services please acknowledge the risks associated with trading. The content of this Website must not be construed as personal advice Admiral Markets UK Ltd recommends you seek advice from an independent financial advisor. Admiral Markets UK Ltd is fully owned by Admiral Markets Group AS Admiral Markets Group AS is a holding company and its assets are a controlling equity interest in Admiral Ma rkets AS and its subsidiaries, Admiral Markets UK Ltd and Admiral Markets Pty. All references on this site to Admiral Markets refer to Admiral Markets UK Ltd and subsidiaries of Admiral Markets Group AS. Admiral Markets UK Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FCA Register No 595450.Admiral Markets UK Ltd is registered in England and Wales under Companies House Registered Number 08171762 Company address 16 St Clare Street, London EC3N 1LQ, UK.
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